
Irrigation info

From:	IN%"jp@unlinfo.unl.edu" 20-JUL-1994 16:44:53.47
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Subj:	NEW: Trickle-L - Trickle or Drip Irrigation

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From: jerome pier <jp@unlinfo.unl.edu>
Subject: NEW: Trickle-L - Trickle or Drip Irrigation
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Trickle-L on listserv@unl.edu    Trickle or Drip Irrigation

   Trickle-L is a new mail list hosted by the listserver at University
   of Nebraska - Lincoln.  The purpose of this list is for the
   unmoderated discussion of all aspects of trickle or drip irrigation.

   To join Trickle-L, send email to listserv@unl.edu with the following

      SUB TRICKLE-L First Last

   where 'First' refers to your first or given name and 'Last' your
   family name.  You should receive notification of your subscription by
   email shortly after the listserv daemon receives your request.

   If any difficulty arises please contact the list owner at the address

   Owner:  Richard Mead  rmead@asrr.arsusda.gov