
INTERAG/International Ag. Database, Illinois CES (fwd)

---------- Text of forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 02 May 93 08:31:42 CDT
From: CottonD <cottond@ccgate.hrfs.uiuc.edu>
To: extech-mg@oes.orst.edu
Subject: INTERAG/International Ag. Database, Illinois CES


I would like to let you know about a new electronic database and
communications service related to the INTERPAKS (International
Program for Agricultural Knowledge Systems) program here at the
University of Illinois.  The database/service contains: 

     -  previous issues of INTERPAKS INTERCHANGE and INTERPAKS

     -  a bibliography of research articles dealing with
        extension methods, agricultural education, agricultural
        communications, extension organization and management and
        rural sociology

     -  upcoming articles from DIGEST

     -  a "news" group for interactive communications with
        INTERPAKS staff

The service is available via a VAX computer network we maintain
called IDEA (Illinois Dialup Extension Access).  While we are in
the process of developing our own GOPHER server, access is only
provided via IDEA.  We hope to make it accessible via the
University's Gopher server in the near future.  Internet and
phone access is provided.

     Telnet into IDEA

      IP Name: idea.ag.uiuc.edu
      IP Address:
      Username: interag

     Dial into IDEA

      Speed:  1200/2400 bps      Phone: (217) 244-5158
        - or -
      Speed:  9600/14400 bps     Phone: (217) 244-8471

      Parity: None
      Data Bits: 8
      Stop Bits: 1
      Username: interag

Following is information about INTERPAKS that explains the
mission of the unit and the type of information you will

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Dan Cotton
Computer Coordinator
Illinois CES

INTERPAKS is a multidisciplinary program in the Office of
International Agriculture at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign.  It aims at strengthening agricultural
institutions in developing countries that serve the educational,
technical, and managerial needs of farm households.  The primary
goal is broadbased, sustainable agricultural development.

Although INTERPAKS is concerned with a broad range of
institutions that serve agricultural and rural development, its
central integrating theme is international extension and the
process of technology transfer and human resource development.

INTERPAKS draws on the expertise of more than 40 faculty and
staff at the U. of I.  These associates have extensive experience
working in developing countries.  All of the them have a strong
interest in finding practical solutions to serious institutional
problems.  They are prepared to work with collaborating
institutions and agencies to provide a broad range of technical
assistance, training, and research services.

Although not widely known in the U.S. extension community,
INTERPAKS has achieved an identity in other countries as a
respected source of knowledge about technology transfer in
agriculture and in human resource development.  It achieved this
reputation through the following kinds of activities.

     Research-based publications
     Technical Assistance Projects
     Graduate Education in Rural Development
     Informal Short Courses for Extension Practitioners
     Professional Leadership at International Conferences

The last item on the list is a periodical that contains invited
articles and digests of information and research on significant
issues related to extension developments throughout the world. 
The "educational delivery system" has become internationally
recognized over the past eight or nine years as a valuable digest
of research and literature dealing with human resource
development and the processing, transfer and the use of
agricultural technology.  INTERPAKS INTERCHANGE has been
distributed free two or more times a year to approximately 2,700
professionals worldwide.  It represents a long standing effort on
the part of INTERPAKS to provide current and useful information
to extension professionals and applied researchers about their
own profession.

Recently, the INTERPAKS INTERCHANGE has been retitled and
reconfigured.  The new publication is called the "INTERPAKS
DIGEST" and will be published three times per year.