
Re: internet=(ecol-agric@mailbase.ac.uk.)

Here is my list:
Name     address                       subscribe

sustag-l sustag@beta.tricity.wsu.edu  listproc@listproc.wsu.edu
mgarden  mgarden@listproc.wsu.edu     listproc@listproc.wsu.edu
agmodels-l  agmodels-l@unl.edu        listserv@unl.edu
soils-l     soils-l@unl.edu               "
trickle-l   trickle-l@unl.edu             "
salinity-l  salinity-l@unl.edu            "
ecol-agric ecol-agric@mailbase.ac.ul  listserv@mailbase.ac.uk
dssat    dssat@uga.cc.uga.edu         listserv@uga.cc.uga.edu
peanut-l peanut-l@uga.cc.uga.edu      listserv@uga.cc.uga.edu
devel-l  devel-l@listserv.american.edu  listserv@listserv.american.edu
intdev-l intdev-l@uriacc.uri.edu      listserv@uriacc.uri.edu
agric-l  agric-l@uga.cc.uga.edu       listserv@uga.cc.uga.edu
precise-agri  precise-agri@@Soils.Umn.EDu try almanac or majordomo@...
biosys   uni.zeri.ibs@caren.net       majordomo@caren.net
ipm-mg   ipm-mg@ces.ncsu.edu          almanac@ces.ncsu.edu
sanet-mg sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu        almanac@ces.ncsu.edu
irrigation-l irrigation-l@vm.gmd.de   listserv@vm.gmd.de
graze-l  graze-l@taranake.ac.nz       listserv#taranake.ac.nz
graze-it-mg@oes.orst.edu              almanac@oes.orst.edu
haylist@wisplan.uwex.edu              almanac@wisplan.uwex.edu
direct-mkt direct-mkt@reeusda.gov     majordomo@reeusda.gov
BIOCONTROL-L biocontrol-l@ftpt.br     listserv@ftpt.br
chrm-general@igc.apc.org Majordomo@igc.apc.org  Holistic Res. Manage.

WWD-L weeds of the world - contact maiser@plants.ox.ac.uk)

The following lists all have the same address at @listproc.wsu.edu, I
found them by sending the message: lists  to:listproc@listproc.wsu.edu
Any listproc or listserv will return names of all its lists in response
to such a message.  I have no idea how active these are.  To get a list
of subscribers (sustag-l has about 380), send the message: review LISTNAME
to: listproc@listproc.wsu.edu or to another listserver for other lists.

beef-l   beef-l@listproc.wsu.edu     listproc@listproc.wsu.edu
sustag-l    principles of sustainable agriculture
envilit     environmental literacy
d-mgt       dairy management
pnwvets     Pacific Northwest Veteranarians
compost     Home Composting
natfood-l   Native American Foods
water-l     Water Quality, Non-point pollution
goats       Goat Management
bugnet      Integrated Insect Management

Also try the USENET groups:

Other suggestions are always welcome and of course corrections.

Tom Hodges, Cropping Systems Modeler 
USDA-ARS                   email: thodges@beta.tricity.wsu.edu          
24106 N Bunn Road          voice: 509-786-9207
Prosser, WA 99350 USA      Fax:   509-786-9370, 509-786-9277
==         HomePage http://www.tricity.wsu.edu/htmls/hodges       ==
==          ## Rent this space for your HomePage ##               ==
If this represents anything, it is only my opinion.

On Sun, 11 Feb 1996 sdn05564@sdn.dk wrote:

> Dear all
> Does anybody know other lists concerning agriculture and ecology/biodiversity.
> Thanks Niels