
re: integrated aquaponic system info (combines hydroponics with aquaculture)

The aquaponic information pages will be available shortly (as soon as I get done 
setting the links) at:


Right now it looks as though I should have about 65 pages of information 
available on aquaponics, hydroponics, and aquaculture for use in schools.

I'll also be linking the past two issues of the Aquaponic Society of the 
Americas to the Webpages, along with an on-line catalog of materials and 
books/videos on the subjects, once again primarily aimed at educators.

Email me if you need info NOW, before I get done mounting the Webpages.

Scott Jones
Hydro/Aquatic Technologies
Article 4922 of sci.aquaria:
Path: bigblue.oit.unc.edu!concert!news-feed-2.peachnet.edu!emory!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!uunet!news.claremont.edu!nntp-server.caltech.edu!laurence
From: laurence@cco.caltech.edu (Dustin Lee Laurence)
Newsgroups: rec.aquaria,alt.aquaria,sci.aquaria
Subject: Aquaria Archive Notice: Twice-Monthly Posting
Date: 15 Jan 1994 08:00:19 GMT
Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Lines: 114
Message-ID: <2h87qk$j19@gap.cco.caltech.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: punisher.caltech.edu
Xref: bigblue.oit.unc.edu rec.aquaria:27632 alt.aquaria:16693 sci.aquaria:4922

Aquaria Archive Notice File v2.0, 12/15/93 Dustin Laurence

    This is a pointer to the Aquaria Archive, normally posted on the
first and fifteenth of every month to the rec.aquaria, alt.aquaria,
and sci.aquaria USENET newsgroups (the *.aquaria groups) by a friendly
daemon.  My name is Dustin Laurence; welcome to the archive.

    The Aquaria Archive, formerly the Reefkeeper's Archive, is a
repository for text information about all topics of interest to marine
and freshwater aquarists, and will remain so as long as space allows.
In intent, the archive serves all aquarists with access capability.
In practice, it will of necessity primarily serve the *.aquaria groups
on USENET, but access and submissions from other sources are

    Currently, most of the files in the archive are in the incoming/
directory, waiting to be sorted and filed.  This is less than ideal,
but as Caltech does not seem to consider maintenance of this archive
to be progress toward my degree I do not have much time to shuffle
files.  If this bothers you, send me e-mail volunteering to help out
and I'll see what I can arrange.  Feel free to browse in the incoming/
directory in the meantime; they are fairly well organized as they are.

***** Location and Connect Information *****


    The archive site is:


    The archive root directory is

        pub/aquaria  (the old directory, pub/reefkeepers, still works)

    The README file should describe everything you need to know to get
started.  If it does not, let me know how it can be improved.  There
is a list of contents in the Info/contents file, and there are a
number of good FAQ files in the FAQfiles/ directory.


    If you are new to USENET, the following _may_ (but is not
guaranteed to) tell you how to access the archive and get started.
This should work on most UNIX installations, at least.

(1) Decide where you want to put information from the archive.  You
will probably want to "download" (bring from the archive to your
account) some information files which will help you to use the
archive.  A good idea is to make a new directory for this purpose.

(2) Change to whatever directory you chose in (1).  On UNIX systems,
you would type "cd <directory>", where <directory> should be replaced
by the name of the directory.

(3) Connect to the archive site.  On most UNIX systems, you can use a
program called "ftp" to do this by typing "ftp ftp.cco.caltech.edu" .
The Caltech site will ask you for a login name; type "anonymous".  It
will tell you "Guest login ok, send ident as password."  Type your
internet address (if you don't know what it is, just type in your
login name).  Yes, I know that if you type in your address it isn't
anonymous, but who said it had to make sense?

(4) Change to the archive root directory.  Using ftp this is done just
as it is in the UNIX shell (the thing you type commands to), by typing
"cd pub/aquaria" .

(5) Look at the directory to see what is in the archive.  In ftp, type
"ls" or "dir".  "dir" gives you more information, such as the size of
the file (this can be useful if you have limited disk space on your
account).  One of the files you see is named "README"; that means,
logically enough, that the person who set up the archive (me) wanted
you to read that file.  You might as well actually read it, as a
personal favor to me.

(6) Download the archive README file.  It will hopefully tell you what
you need to know to use the archive.  In ftp, type "get README" .
When you exit ftp, a new file named "README" will have appeared which
will be an exact copy of the file "README" in the archive.

    Now you have the README file, have no doubt dutifully read it, and
know everything.  However, some of you are the impatient sort, and
want to explore around now rather than go read my deathless prose.
Well, since I can't send the net.police to force you to read the
README file, I might as well help you a bit here.  A good place to
begin exploring the archive is in pub/reefkeepers/Info, which contains
a list of the archive's contents, submissions policies, and other
items about the archive itself and other resources available (as well
as this file).  However, if you couldn't be bothered to read the
README file, will you really read these?  Also check out the
Frequently Asked Questions files in the FAQfiles directory.

***** In Case of Problems With The Archive *****

    All problems, questions, or requests regarding this archive should
be sent to me, Dustin Laurence, at laurence@cco.caltech.edu .  Please
DO NOT harass the system administrators.

***** Obligatory Disclaimer *****

    This archive is maintained as a storage site on a volunteer basis.
I am not responsible for the accuracy of the contents nor for how they
are used; neither is Caltech nor anyone else.  It is maintained "as
is" for your enjoyment.


Version History

v1.0  10/02/93  Dustin Laurence  (First posted 10/3/93)
v1.1  10/03/93  (Mentioned the location of the FAQ files, misc.
v2.0  12/15/93  Name changed to Aquaria Archive, minor changes.

Article 2743 of alt.architecture:
Newsgroups: alt.architecture
Path: bigblue.oit.unc.edu!concert!news-feed-1.peachnet.edu!emory!swrinde!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!munnari.oz.au!metro!usage!cad6!steve
From: steve@keystone.arch.unsw.edu.au (Stephen Peter)
Subject: Architecture WWW site
Message-ID: <1994May30.080420.26969@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU>
Sender: news@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU
Nntp-Posting-Host: cad6.arch.unsw.edu.au
Reply-To: steve@keystone.arch.unsw.edu.au
Organization: Faculty of Architecture, University of New South Wales
Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 08:04:20 GMT
Lines: 29

For those interested :-)

The Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales, 
Australia, (phew!) has (finally) got it's World Wide Web Server 
ureka.arch.unsw.edu.au [] up and running.

Unfortunately, the uni decided to "review" the computer services dept.
(so the server hasn't been added to the name-server yet).

The URL is:

Included (so far) are:
    * Rayshade Image Archive; and
    * Notes on Rayshade.

Soon to be included:
    * Info on Courses offered at the Faculty; 
    and much more.

 _--_|\                                                  S.Peter@unsw.EDU.AU
/      \    Stephen Peter                or  steve@keystone.arch.unsw.EDU.AU
      v     School of Architecture, University of New South Wales, Australia
            Phone +61 2 3854816   Fax +61 2 6621378   Messages +61 2 3854799