
Re: Newsgroups for Agriculture and Farming

goats@listproc.wsu.edu     and     goatslite@teleport.com   are two
newsgroups that you might want to check out for dairy and meat goats.

Article 581 of sci.agriculture:
Path: bigblue.oit.unc.edu!concert!news.duke.edu!MathWorks.Com!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!newsrelay.iastate.edu!news.iastate.edu!vincent2.iastate.edu!adwright
From: adwright@iastate.edu ()
Newsgroups: sci.agriculture
Subject: mailing list for grass researchers
Date: 31 Mar 94 17:35:35 GMT
Organization: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Lines: 104
Message-ID: <adwright.765135335@vincent2.iastate.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: vincent2.iastate.edu

Prototype  (provisional)  grasses newsgroup.
It is currently in mailing list format but a CFV will be going
out soon to determine if it will be a full fledged newsgroup.

Scientific discussions/questions regarding grasses, especially cereal, forage,
and turf species, including, but not limited to, their ethnobotany, evolution,
physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics and utilization. 

discussion leader: Allen Wright  adwright@iastate.edu

Subscribing to this list:

Log in to the computer account in which you would like to receive mail
(not an account that you use infrequently) and send a mail message to
the Internet address


Leave the Subject: line of the message blank and enter the following
line into the body of the mail message:

subscribe grasses

This message will be automatically read by our computer and your
e-mail address will be extracted from the mail header and added to the

Canceling you subscription:

If you want to cancel your subscription, send a message to
biosci-server@net.bio.net exactly as described above except include
the text

unsubscribe grasses

in the body of the message.  Please be sure to send the message from
the account whose address matches the one on the list.


Please send a message to the Internet address


and someone on the staff here will help you.  PLEASE DO NOT send mail
to our personal e-mail addresses as this will delay a response to your
request for help.

How to post a message to the group:

Simply mail your message to the Internet address


and your message will be distributed automatically to everyone on the
list.  There is no editorial intervention.  PLEASE DO NOT send
subscription requests to this address as you will bother everyone on
the newsgroup.  Please use the biosci-server@net.bio.net address as
instructed above for subscription/cancellation requests.

How to reply to a message on the group:

Replies to messages that you receive will *NOT* be automatically
returned to the group as is the standard for Internet mailing lists.
You must be certain that your reply contains the address


in the mail header if you want to share it with everyone on the group.
Otherwise in most cases your reply may go back to only the original
poster of the message to which you are replying.

ALWAYS be certain that you examine the address on your messages before
you send them!!!  Once a message is sent there is no way to cancel it
or bring it back!!!  Some non-Internet compliant mail systems may
attempt to send replies to our error-trapping address called
BIOSCI-REQUEST.  If yours does this, please be sure to readdress your
message to grasses@net.bio.net if you want to send it to the

Hope to see you there and look forward to your postings.


