
More Ag-related email lists (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 09:32:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jones Megan Moynihan <moynihaj@msuces.canr.msu.edu>
To: "Tom Hodges (moderated newsgroup)" <sustag@beta.tricity.wsu.edu>
Cc: Principles of Sustainable Agriculture <sustag-l@listproc.wsu.edu>
Subject: More Ag-related email lists

More listservs for the deserving!!  Here are two related to grazing 
(principally intensive rotational or management intensive) that graziers, 
potential graziers or friends of graziers may want to contact:

"graze-it-mg" was started by Bill Bivens, an extension and natural resources 
agent in Jackson County, MI.  To 
subscribe, send the following line:
subscribe graze-it-mg

to the following address:

(address mail to graze-it-mg@oes.orst.edu)

graze-L is, I think, an international joint effort.  To subscribe, send the 
following line: 
subscribe graze-l  (that's lowercase 'L', not numeral 1)

to the following address:

Cheers from Michigan, home of 18 new local grazing networks....

Meg Moynihan, Coordinator           "If an egg falls on a rock,
MIFFS:  Michigan Integrated          too bad, too bad for the egg. 
Food & Farming Systems               If a rock falls on an egg,
moynihaj@msuces.canr.msu.edu         too bad for the egg!"
                                               --The Egg & the Rock,
                                                 Faith Pettrick