
Re: need Web page site

The address is http://a1.com/growroom/
and email I think is growroom@indy.net
Robin Moseby ( rmoseby@olis.mtx.net.au )

                    E X P L O R I N G   I N T E R N E T

           An Introduction to Networking for Cooperative Extension

                              September 1992

     The National Research and Education Network (NREN), a part of 
Internet, is a worldwide network that provides access to valuable 
information collections and services. Using Internet, you can 
search subject matter databases, participate in discussion groups, 
and send or receive electronic mail (e-mail). 
     Almanac, telnet, discussion groups, mailing groups, and 
listservs are only a few services available to you through 
Internet. Listed below are short descriptions of these information 
services and some basic procedures to help you get started. 
     The first step in getting access to Internet is to establish 
an account on a computer that is connected to the network. All 
land-grant universities have computers connected to Internet. If 
you have questions on how to get to Internet from your location 
contact your computer support staff.

     Almanac is an internetwork information server where requests 
are submitted and processed through electronic mail. Currently 
four Almanac servers are in operation and more are in the planning 
stages. To access information in Almanac simply send a request to 
Almanac using your e-mail program and Almanac will put the 
requested information into your electronic mailbox. Here are a few 
tips to get you started using Almanac.

Current Almanac Sites
Location                          Internet Address
Oregon State University..........almanac@oes.orst.edu
Purdue University................almanac@ecn.purdue.edu
Extension Service-USDA...........almanac@esusda.gov
North Carolina State University..almanac@ces.ncsu.edu

HOW TO: Find What's In Almanac

     1.  Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu OR 
         almanac@ecn.purdue.edu OR almanac@esusda.gov OR 
          * Each site maintains a subject catalog for their 
          * Almanac doesn't require anything in the subject line.

     2.  In the body of your message type the command: send 
          * Don't include any additional text in your message.
          * Use lower case characters.

     3.   When you read your e-mail, the catalog should be in your 
          * Many factors influence how long it takes for Almanac 
            to honor a request-some take only a few seconds, 
            others a few minutes.

HOW TO: Get the Almanac Users Guide

     1.  Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu OR 
         almanac@ecn.purdue.edu OR almanac@esusda.gov OR 
          * Each site maintains an Almanac Users Guide for their 

     2.  In the body of your message type the command: send guide

     3.  When you read your e-mail, the guide should be in your 
          * If your e-mail program can't handle messages larger 
            that a certain size (K), use the slimit command.  
            Check the user guide for details.

     The telnet program allows you to login to a computer located 
in another location on the Internet. You can use telnet to access 
a computer located in the next state just as easily as one located 
in another country. Over 100 libraries allow you to use telnet to 
access their computer-based library catalogs and a number of 
universities and colleges maintain information services. One 
important point to remember is once you access a remote computer, 
you must use commands specific for that system. If you're having 
problems navigating through a system try typing the command: HELP 
for instructions.
     Check with your computer support staff to see if you have 
telnet access over Internet from your location.

Telnet examples:
Location:  Pennsylvania State University
Name:      PENpages
Addresss   psupen.psu.edu
Username:  Your two-letter state abbreviation, i.e. NY, PA 
Type:      Information Service/database

Location:  Clemson University
Name:      CUFAN
Addresss   eureka.clemson.edu
Username:  public
Type:      Information Service/database

Location:  Colorado Association of Research Libraries
Addresss   pac.carl.org
Type:      Library catalog

Location:  California
Name:      CSU Freso ATI-NET (Advanced Technology Information 
Addresss   caticsuf.csufresno.edu
Username:  super
Type:      Information Service/database

HOW TO: Telnet To Another Computer

     1.  >>From your system prompt type the command: Telnet followed 
         by the destination computer address. For example, to 
         access the computer at the Pennsylvania State University   
         where PENpages is located type the following: Telnet 
          * Telnet may be a menu choice or available from your 
            system prompt.  Check with your computer support staff 
            for instructions on how to telnet from your location.
          * >>From the Telnet> prompt, you must type the command: 
            open then the destination computer address.
          * An address may be numeric.

     2.  At the username prompt enter a username. In this example 
         the username is the 2-letter abbreviation for your state, 
         i.e. PA, NY, FL. No password is required for PENpages.
          * Usernames and passwords vary from system to system. 
            Many locations have adopted a standard username 
            anonymous and password guest.
          * Commands to exit a system vary among locations. If the 
            system doesn't indicate how to exit, try typing close, 
            exit, quit, or bye.

Mailing Groups and Listservs

     Mailing groups, forums, discussion groups, and listservs are 
special interest groups where questions or issues are sent to the 
group via e-mail. Members of the group discuss the topic while all 
members observe the dialog. Some lists are more active than others 
and after subscribing to a list you may receive few or dozens of 
e-mail messages weekly. Mailing groups are available through 
Almanac. Listservs are available through Internet and BITNET.
     It's recommended that if you subscribe to a group or list 
that you have a personal e-mail account. Remember when you reply 
to a question posted by a member, your message is placed in the 
mailbox of every member of the group.
     Another type of mailing group available is a "server." 
Almanac servers are designed for one-way communications only.  
They are typically used by an author to distribute newsletters or 
news releases.
	* Do not send mail to Almanac mailing group servers.

HOW TO: Subscribe to an Almanac Mailing Group

     1.  Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu OR 
         almanac@ecn.purdue.edu OR almanac@esusda.gov
          * Each site maintains a Mailing List Catalog for their  

     2.  In the body of your message type the command: 
         send mail-catalog
          * The Mailing List Catalog describes the mailing groups 
            available at that site.
          * Items designated as "servers" are reserved for one-way 
            communications. Subscribing to a "server" list is 
            similar to signing up for to a newspaper or magazine 
            subscription.  When new information is published you 
            will receive a copy in your e-mail box.
          * Items designated as "forums" are  discussion groups or 
            interest groups. 

     3.  To subscribe to a group, send an e-mail message to the 
         Almanac site where the mailing group you wish to join is 
         located.  For example to subscribe to the "CITExtension" 
         newsletter you would send a message to 

     4.  In the body of your message type the following: 
         subscribe and the name of the group.  For example 
         to subscribe to the "CITExtension" newsletter you would 
         type: subscribe usda.cite

     5.  To unsubscribe from the group, send an e-mail message to     
         the Almanac address of the group and in your message type 
         the command: unsubscribe and the name of the group. For 
         example to remove your name from the "CITExtension" 
         newsletter mailing group send a message to 
         Almanac@esusda.gov and type the command: unsubscribe 

HOW TO: Subscribe to a Listserv Discussion Group

     1.  Send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@ followed by the 
         listserv address. For example to subscribe to a list 
         located at the University of Maryland you would type the    
         following: LISTSERV@UMDD.UMD.EDU  
          * Listservs are available via Internet or BITNET. Most 
            BITNET systems require .BITNET as part of the address. 

     2.  In the body of your message type the command: SUB 
         followed by the name of the list and your first and last 
         name. For example to subscribe to a list called "Dairy-L"  
         you would type the following: SUB DAIRY-L Joe Smith (The 
         Listserv management will send a message via e-mail with 
         additional instructions and information.)

     3.  To post a message to the group, send an e-mail message to 
         the name of the list followed by the listserv address. 
         For example to ask a question to the "Dairy-L" members 
         you would send an e-mail note to DAIRY-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU and 
         type your question in the body of your message.

    4.   To unsubscribe from the group, send an e-mail message 
         to the listserv address and the command: SIGNOFF and
         the listname. For example to unsubscribe from the 
         Dairy-L listserv you would send a message to 
         LISTSERV@UMDD.UMD.EDU  and in the message type the 
         command: SIGNOFF DAIRY-L

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Here are a FEW resources available via Internet that may be of 
interest to you. Of course, we can't list all the resources 
available. If you know of a resource of interest to Extension 
professionals send a note to Deborah Shaffer at 


Name:        Disaster Factsheets
Service:     Almanac--database
Address:     almanac@ecn.purdue.edu
Instruction: Send an e-mail message to almanac@ecn.purdue.edu. 
             In the message type the following command: 
             send factsheet catalog

             How to get a factsheet:  Send an e-mail message to  
             almanac@ecn.purdue.edu. In the message type the 
             following: send factsheet and the name of the
             for example:  send factsheet hugo04
Name:        Satellite Teleconference Calendar
Service:     Almanac--database
Address:     almanac@oes.orst.edu
Instruction: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. 
             In the message type the following command: 
             send extension satellite-calendar
Name:        Nationwide Extension Job Vacancies
Service:     Almanac--database
Address:     almanac@oes.orst.edu
Instruction: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. 
             In the message type the following command: 
             send extension vacancies
Name:        ES-USDA Press Releases--from the Office of Public  
Service:     Almanac--mailing group server
Address:     almanac@esusda.gov
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the 
             following: subscribe usda.news
Name:        Ag a.m.-daily national agriculture news
Content:     * * * * * * * COPYRIGHT  NOTIFICATION  * * * * * * * 
             AG a.m. is intended for use by USDA policymakers  
             only. Redistributing AG a.m.outside USDA by any means 
             violates copyright on the source material.
             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Service:     Almanac--mailing group server
Address:     almanac@esusda.gov
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the 
             following: subscribe usda.agam
Name:        CITExtension--ES-USDA bi-monthly newsletter focusing 
                           on communications and technology 
Service:     Almanac--mailing group server
Address:     almanac@esusda.gov
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the 
             following: subscribe usda.cite
Name:        Technology Transfer in International Development
Service:     Listserv
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             LISTSERV@AUVM.BITNET. In the message type the 
             following: SUB DEVEL-L yourname
             To Send a Message to the Group: Send an e-mail 
             message to DEVEL-L@AUVM.BITNET
Name:        DEOS: The Distance Education Online Symposium
                    DEOS-L and DEOSNEWS
Content:     DEOS, the Distance Education Online Symposium,
             consists of DEOSNEWS and DEOS-L. DEOSNEWS is a
             weekly/biweekly, international, electronic journal
             for distance education.  DEOS-L is an international
             discussion forum for distanc education, originally
             established to facilitate discussion
             of the issues presented in DEOSNEWS, as well as other 
             issues of interest for distance educators.
Contact:     Morten Flate Paulsen,editor  MFP101@PSUVM.BITNET
Service:     Listserv
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             LISTSERV@PSUVM.PSU.EDU. In the message type 
             SUB DEOS-L yourname OR SUB DEOSNEWS yourname
             To Send a Message to the Group: Send an e-mail 
             message to DEOS-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU
Name:        Weather Underground-a U.S. weather service
Service:     Telnet
Address:     downwind.sprl.umich.edu 3000 OR 3000
Instruction: >>From your system prompt type: 
             Telnet downwind.sprl.umich.edu 3000 
Name:        MOLIS--Minority On-line Information Service
Content:     Provides current information about Historically Black
             Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-Serving
Contact:     301-975-0103
Service:     Telnet
Address:     fedix.fie.com
Instruction: >>From your system prompt type: Telnet fedix.fie.com 
             At the login prompt type: molis
             At the USERID prompt type NEW and follow 
             the NEW user instructions.
Notes:       Also available via modem at 301-258-5016 or 
             800-626-6547. Modem setup: 8-N-1; Baud rate: 
             1200, 2400, or 9600.
Name:        QUERRI--Questions on University Extension Regional 
                     Resource Information
Content:     QUERRI is a database of bibliographic information 
             on more than 12,000 educational resources produced by 
             Extension specialists in the north central states. 
Contact:     Sorrel Brown, J2.NCR@ISUMVS.IASTATE.EDU
Service:     Telnet
Address:     isn.rdns.iastate.edu
Instruction: >>From your system prompt type:
             Telnet isn.rdns.iastate.edu.  
             At the dial prompt type: QUERRI 
Name:        Extension Review
Service:     Almanac--database
Address:     almanac@ecn.purdue.edu
Instruction: Send an e-mail message to almanac@ecn.purdue.edu. 
             In the message type the following command: send er


Name:        National Agricultural Market News Database--from the 
                                 USDA Agricultural Market Service
Service:     Almanac--database
Address:     almanac@oes.orst.edu
Instruction: What's available:  Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the 
             following: send market-news catalog

             How to get a report:  Send an e-mail message to  
             almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the 
             following: send market-news and the code number of 
             the report, for example:  send market-news mpcn001
Name:        Water Quality Information Management Database
Service:     Almanac--database
Address:     almanac@ecn.purdue.edu
Instruction: What's available: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@ecn.purdue.edu. In the message type the 
             following: send wq catalog

             How to get a report: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@ecn.purdue.edu. In the message type the 
             following: send wq and the code number of the report, 
             for example: send wq wq-13.in
Name:        Research Results Database--from the Agricultural 
                                        Research Service and the 
                                        Economic Research Service
Service:     Almanac--database
Address:     almanac@esusda.gov
Instruction: What's available: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@esusda.gov. In the messsage type the 
             following: subscribe usda.rrdb

             How to get a report: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the
             following: send rrdb and the code number of 
             the report.
Name:        PENpages--online information service containing over
                       10,000 documents of agricultural and 
                       consumer-oriented information
Service:     Telnet
Address:     psupen.psu.edu
Instruction: >>From your system prompt type: Telnet psupen.psu.edu. 
             At the username prompt enter the 2-letter 
             for your state, i.e. NY, FL, OR.
User Guide:  Available from Support@psupen.psu.edu or by writing 
             to Computer Services, 405 Ag. Admin. Bldg, University
             Park, PA 16802.
Name:        Sustainable Agriculture Showcase Bibliography
Service:     Almanac--database
Address:     almanac@oes.orst.edu
Instruction: What's available:  Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the 
             following: send extension showcase catalog
Name:        Sustainable Agriculture Discussion Group
Service:     Almanac--mailing group forum
Address:     almanac@oes.orst.edu
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the 
             following command: subscribe sanet-mg

             To Send a Message to the Group:  Send an e-mail
             message to sanet-mg@oes.orst.edu 
Name:        Dairy Science Discussion Group
Service:     Listserv
Address:     Listserv@umdd.umd.edu
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             listserv@umdd.umd.edu. In the message type the 
             following: SUB DAIRY-L yourname
             To Send a Message to the Group:  Send an e-mail 
             message to DAIRY-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU
Name:        Beekeeping Discussion Group
Content:     BEE-L is for the discussion of research and 
             information concerning the biology of bees.  This 
             includes honey bees and other bees.  Members 
             communicate about sociobiology, behavior, ecology, 
             adaptation/evolution, genetics, taxonomy, physiology, 
             pollination, and flower nectar and pollen production 
             of bees.
Contact:     Mary Jo Orzech,  Bitnet: MJO@BROCK1P.BITNET
Service:     Listserv
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1.BITNET. In the message type the 
             following: SUB BEE-L yourname 
             To Send a Message to the Group: Send an e-mail 
             message to BEE-L@ALBNYVM1.BITNET
Name:        Aquaculture Discussion Group
Content:     For individuals interested in the science, technology 
             and business of rearing aquatic species.
Contact:     Ted White, University of Guelph  
             Internet: zoowhite@vm.uoguelph.ca 
Service:     Listserv
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             LISTSERV@VM.UOGUELPH.CA. In the message type the 
             following: SUB AQUA-L yourname 
             To Send a Message to the Group: Send an e-mail 
             message to AQUA-L@VM.UOGUELPH.CA
Name:        Veterinary Informatics Discussion Group
Content:     This list has been created to stimulate discussion in
             the area of Informatics, with special reference to
             the field of Veterinary Medicine.  Related topics
             include Clinical decision support systems, laboratory
             information management, imaging, disease nomenclature
             and coding systems, expert systems, knowledge bases,
             etc.  Discussions related to specific hardware and
             software implementations are welcome as well as
             approaches to specific approaches to challenges in
             veterinary informatics.
Contact:     Jim Case DVM,Ph.D, University of California  
             Bitnet: JCASE@UCDCVDLS.BITNET
Service:     Listserv
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             LISTSERV@UCDCVDLS.BITNET. In the message type the 
             following: VETINFO yourname 
             To Send a Message to the Group: Send an e-mail 
             message to VETINFO@UCDCVDLS.BITNET


Name:        MAPP-The National Family Life Database
Name:        The International Food and Nutrition Database (IFAN)
Name:        Senior Series--contains information on aging and the 
Service:     Telnet to PENpages
Address:     psupen.psu.edu
Instruction: >>From your system prompt type: Telnet psupen.psu.edu. 
             At the username prompt enter the 2-letter 
             for your state, i.e. NY, FL, OR.
             Choose the Index-Keyword search option and search 
             using the keyword MAPP, IFAN-DATABASE, SENIOR-SERIES 
             or another keyword of interest.
User Guide:  Available from Support@psupen.psu.edu or by writing 
             to Computer Services, 405 Ag. Admin. Bldg, University 
             Park, PA 16802.
Name:        Food Market News
Service:     Almanac--mailing group server
Address:     almanac@oes.orst.edu
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the 
             following: subscribe fdmktnews-mg
Name:        Food for Thought
Content:     Food For Thought is a nationally syndicated food and 
             nutrition news column authored by Dr. Jean Mayer, 
             President of Tufts University and Jeanne 
             Goldberg, R.D., lecturer in nutrition at Tufts
             University.  This news column appears weekly in 
             PENpages. [(c) 1990, Washington Post Writers Group]
Contact:     Audrey Maretzki, AMARETZKI@psupen.psu.edu, (814) 863-
Service:     Telnet to PENpages
Address:     psupen.psu.edu
Instruction: >>From your system prompt type: Telnet psupen.psu.edu. 
             At the username prompt enter the 2-letter 
             for your state, i.e. NY, FL, OR.
             Choose the Index-Keyword search option and search 
             using the keyword FOOD-FOR-THOUGHT. Current issues 
             are available from "Recent Changes to PENpages,"
             located under the Menu option.
User Guide:  Available from Support@psupen.psu.edu or by writing 
             to Computer Services, 405 Ag. Admin. Bldg, University 
             Park, PA 16802.
Name:        Family Science Network
Content:     Mailing group for researchers and scholars whose work
             focuses on family science, marriage and family 
             therapy, family sociology, and the behavioral science 
             aspects of family medicine.  The purpose of the list 
             is to enhance communication among family scientists 
             and to support  research programs; provided by the 
             Department of Family Studies, UKY.
Contact:     Greg Brock, GWBROCK@UKCC.BITNET
Service:     Listserv
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU. In the message type the 
             following: SUB FAMLYSCI yourname. (The list manager     
             will provide  additional instructions.)
             To Send a Message to the Group: Send an e-mail 
             message to FAMLYSCI@UKCC.UKY.EDU
Name:        FAMNET Discussion Group
Content:     FAMNET is a discussion group for Extension  Specialists
             interested in programs and issues related to families,
             children, and youth.  The purpose of FAMNET is to 
             facilitate timely communications between and among 
             Extension Specialists.  FAMNET would include:  timely
             dissemination of information on calls for proposals 
             from from other federal agencies, sharing of research,
             evaluation methods or data, resource materials, data 
             on families issues or trends, public policy issues, 
             comming events, etc.  Specialists would also be able 
             to share plans for new programs and seek others to 
             network with in the developmental process.
Contact:     Ron Daly, RDALY@esusda.gov
Service:     Almanac--mailing group forum
Address:     almanac@esusda.gov
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the 
             following: subscribe famnet

             To Send a Message to the Group:  Send an e-mail
             message to famnet@esusda.gov. 
Name:        Family Economics News
Description: Family Economics News, a monthly newsletter published 
             by Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture;
             written for Cooperative Extension System educators
             working with family economics, family resource
             management, and consumer education topics; contains
             research abstracts, details about new Extension
             educational materials, and updates of activities of
             the Federal Extension partner. 
Contact:     Jane Schuchardt, JSCHUCHARDT@esusda.gov
Service:     Almanac--mailing group server
Address:     almanac@esusda.gov
Instruction: To subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the 
             following command: subscribe usda.fenews


Name:        Youth Net Discussion Group
Content:     Youth Net is a multidisciplinary electronic network 
             individuals interested in research on adolescents.
Service:     Listserv
Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to 
             LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU. In the message 
             type SUB YOUTHNET yourname 

             To Send a Message to the Group: Send an e-mail 
             message to YOUTHNET@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU.

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Questions regarding this handout contact:

Deborah Shaffer, ES-USDA, CIT and the Pennsylvania State 
University 3086A Wyllys Place, West Point, NY 10996,
(914) 446-7848
Internet: DShaffer@esusda.gov or Shafferd@psupen.psu.edu

"Exploring Internet" is available from Almanac@esusda.gov by 
issuing the one line command: send internet exploring-internet.

Version 2.0

The Cooperative Extension System's programs are open to all 
citizens without regard to race, color, sex, handicap, religion, 
age, or national origin.

Mention or display of a trademark, proprietary product, or firm in 
text or figures does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. 
Department of Agriculture and does not imply approval to the 
exclusion of other suitable products or firms.