
Re: Biosolids (sewage sludge)

Try posting your request to the mailing list "leaf-mulch@esusda.gov".  You might want to subscribe as well.

In article <3r2v19$cik$1@mhadf.production.compuserve.com>, Michael Wardell <102164.167@CompuServe.COM> says:
>I would be interested in beginning a discussion of the 
>agricultural use of biosolids.  I have been involved in the land 
>application of biosolids in NJ since 1984, and would like to get 
>first hand experiences from anyone who has used biosolids in any 
>form.  Scientific info would be great, but stories and real field 
>experience would be of great interest.  My email address is 
>102164.167@compuserve.com.  You can also contact me by snail 
>Michael Wardell
>Land Resource
>P.O. Box 399
>Norma, NJ  08347
>Michael Wardell 
>Compuserve # 102164,167