
UNCED resources collection

1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Eco 92)

N G O N E T   U N C E D   R E S O U R C E   L I B R A R Y

You can now access NGONET's UNCED resources via our Electronic
Mail File Server. This service allows you to request documents
from the library and have them delivered to you automatically
with your mail.

The collections available are:

INGOF TREATIES: Complete set of the Alternative Treaties signed
                by the NGOs present at Rio de Janeiro

AGENDA 21: Official output from the Conference (4 languages)

NGONET DOCUMENT STORE: Background material about the process
                       and NGO-originated critiques (this is
                       a dynamic collection: updates to the list
                       can also be requested by mail).

To obtain more information on how to request these collections,
write a message to:


with the following line in the body of the message

        send catalog

Whatever traffic you generate with this service, in either
direction, costs NGONET real money. Please use this service
thoughtfully. We have placed a value of 6 cents of american
dollar per kilobyte of information. If you consume over
US$30 in a 12 month period, we will bill you to remind you that
someone is paying for this information. We would appreciate

 ======================================= P.O.Box 1539, Correo Central
 ##   # ##### ##### ##   # ##### #####   Montevideo - Uruguay
 # #  # #     #   # # #  # #       #
 #  # # #     #   # #  # # ###     #     Ph. +598 (2) 496192
 #   ## # ### #   # #   ## #       #     FAX +598 (2) 419222
 #    # ##### ##### #    # #####   #     E-mail: ngonet@chasque.apc.org
Information on Environment/Development for Non-Governmental Organizations
Informacion sobre Ambiente/Desarrollo para Organizaciones No-Gubernamentales
Sun 24 Oct 93  8:48
By: Justin Case
Re: Organic movement
I am trying to gather information for a BBS that I am putting up for people in
the organic movement.  The bbs (Noah's Arc 805-684-1457)is free.  I want to
offer all the information I can find about the Organic Movement, organic 
farming, research, experences etc. to my users. If any of you can help me I 
would be grateful.  
You can reach me on this net or call Noah's or internet email
sals@coyote.rain.org. I really enjoy reading this net and I have learned a lot
from you all, thanks.  Can I post any of the stuff I find here that has to do
with the organic movement on my board?  Also any ideas where I can go to find
more files or info please let me know. This bbs will be used by California
Certified Organic Farmers and Demeter Association any other Organic Club or
organization that would like a spot can have one. Thanks
--- DB 1.52-OS/2/002203
 * Origin: The Birdhouse BBS * Carpinteria, CA * 805-684-3938 (1:206/2708)