
new plant picture WWW-page

Hi all,
Today I put a new page on line, as part of my botany Web site:


It is a botany picture page about a former garbage dump site near Amsterdam.
This place, the Diemerzeedijk, is polluted with dioxin, and the page gives
some basic info about this poison. Strange thing is that the flora and fauna
on this piece of land are of extreme beauty. Especially now, during the
months of July and the first half of August. The city of Amsterdam wants to
clean it up - destroying all of nature, but not all of the dioxin. There's
a list of reader comments attached to the page, where you can add your
opinion too.

The page is interesting for botanists and environmentalists, also for
educational purposes (secondary school). 

Bye, Marco

>-------------<Plants, Programs, Primitive creatures>------------------<
<Marco Bleeker>------------<nl-en-de-fr>------------<Amsterdam, Holland>