
several economics mailing lists (long)

[This may be of interest. TH]

>From rmporter@unixg.ubc.ca Wed Sep 21 05:53:04 PDT 1994
Article: 1821 of sci.agriculture
Xref: serval.net.wsu.edu alt.agriculture.misc:1103 alt.politics.economics:7671
 sci.agriculture:1821 sci.econ:26315 sci.environment:47323
From: rmporter@unixg.ubc.ca (Richard Porter)
Subject: Land and Resource Economics on the Internet (Email)
Date: 21 Sep 94 07:58:37 GMT
Organization: The University of British Columbia
Lines: 288
Message-ID: <rmporter.780134317@unixg.ubc.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: unixg.ubc.ca

Welcome to the:

Land and Resource Economics Electronic Conference (aka, res-econ)

Questions/Subjects addressed by the welcom FAQ [v.94.09.21]:

1.  What is res-econ?
2.  What is the purpose of res-econ?
3.  Getting on and off the list
4.  Topics for discussion
5.  Not receiving enough/any mail?
6.  Posting to the list
7.  Using res-econ@unixg.ubc.ca
8.  Using subject headers
9.  Obtaining a copy of the list
10. Land and Resource Economics Digest
11. Journal TOC Service
12. Alternate Forums for Discussion


1.  What is res-econ?

    The electronic conference is a manually administered Internet
style mail server which routes letters from individual members to
all subscribers to the conference.  The list is administered by
Richard Porter [admin address: <res-econ-request@unixg.ubc.ca>].
If you have any questions regarding the list, you can reach Richard
through email, or at (604) 822-8744.

2.  What is the purpose of res-econ?

    The land and resource economics electronic conference is set up
to facilitate the communication and discussion of issues and topics
related to land and resource economics: current and ongoing
issues/events, discipline history, ontology, pedogogy, methodology,
theory and application.  While the host is located at the
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, discussion is not
limited to local issues -- the server is not intended to be
parochial.  Job openings (private, public and academic), research
positions, and conference announcements are welcome, as long as
they pertain to the res-econ charter.  Research notes or updates
from institutes and research centres are also welcome.

3.  Getting on and off the list.

    To subscribe to the list, you mail a message to:


    The subject header of your message should read:

          subscribe to res-econ

    In the body of your letter type your name as you prefer to be
commonly addressed.  The same procedure applies to unsubscribing.
Please repeat your request in the body of your message.  Should you
need to take your name off the list, for whatever reasons, remember
to send your unsubscription notice to the administrator and not the
list address.  Because the list is administered manually, do not
expect the administrator to devine your absence and remove your
name from the list -- please notify the list-owner if you will be
taking an extended leave of absence and wish to refrain from
receiving mail.  Merely forwarding mail to another address can lead
to major problems.  The list operates smoothest when members
receive mail where they read it.

4.  Topics for discussion [the charter] via res-econ include but
    are not limited to:

    - land economics
    - renewable resource economics
    - non-renewable resource economics *
    - forest economics
    - fisheries economics
    - agricultural economics
    - energy economics
    - environmental and ecological economics *
    - resource valuation
    - property rights
    - theory of rents
    - law and economics with respect to resources *
    - resource sociology *
    - economic history *
    - capital and control theory in resource economics
    - political economy and resources *
    - resource shocks and the business cycle
    - resource markets, structure and performance
    - multiple use and resource integration
    - development, conservation and preservation issues
    - discussion and criticism of liturature
    - pedogogy, teaching and classroom issues *
    - data sharing and data requests
    - forthcoming courses, calls for papers and conferences
    - job openings and research opportunities
    - advice and assistance, including personal experience

    * see section 12 for more information on alternative forums
      for these topic areas.

5.  Not receiving any/enough email? I subscribed to the list and
    have not been receiving any messages lately?

    When an address/node changes, or host closes, or your address
gives the administrator heartburn (because of repeated bounced
mail/error calls) you will be deleted from the list without notice.
Sometimes this is not your fault.  If you have any questions, just
ask the administrator.  The list has a high signal to noise ratio,
so there are times (primarily the summer months, northern
hemisphere) when there is little or no traffic through res-econ.
This is to be expected (and, quite frankly, something to be
thankful for).

6.  Posting to the list.

    To post or send a message to all members of the list, simply
address email to:


You must be a member to post to the group.

7.  Using res-econ@unixg.ubc.ca

    As there is no delay or review of re-routed messages, users are
encouraged to keep their discussions relevant, and to edit out
extraneous chatter when replying to individuals or to the
conference as a whole (especially when doing the latter)
[informative subject headers should be used at all times].  Please
do not include the entire text of a message if you are only
replying to a samll part of it.  When replying to a whole posting,
please seperate the original post, and address your comments below
the section(s) that are relevant.  The open-access nature of
mail-servers can lead to an undesirably high noise-to-signal ratio.
However, self-discipline by users can keep the diseconomies to a
minimum.  Abusers of the server, will be purged and denied access
to the list by the authority of the list owner and administrator
[there will be no second chances].  So, think twice before making
a hostile comment/flame.

    If you have posed a question, or made a data request to the
list as a whole and received a number of personal replies, as a
courtesy to the list a summary of such replies is appreciated (some
respondants may not want their identities revealed, their ids can
and should be removed from any summary so posted).  This helps keep
subscribers up-to-date, and not wondering about cryptic references
or "dead" threads.  Summaries can also lead to further discussion
-- which is the purpose of the group.

    Some mailreaders decapitate and/or mangle headers, enclosing a
short note or "signature" at the end of your message helps avoid
anonymity when this happens.  Any such note should let readers know
how to reach you, at least through email.  Extravagent ".sigs" are
often chopped by some editors, so be judicious.  Signitures
sometimes take on the extravagence of art.  Just remember that your
mail editor/screen is likely not the same as that posessed by
others, and your artful signiture may be rendered unreadable;
simplicity often overcomes this unpleasantness.

    The sendmail software employed by networks works off of a
limited US-ASCII alphabet.  Non-english (Roman alphabet) languages
don't transmit well as a result;  cyrillic, non-roman, or character
based languages will not transmit (except as encoded binary, see
below).  However, creative users may want to employ key
combinations for a wide assortment of non-english letters in order
to avoid character replacement.

    Encoded binary files are not welcome.  If you wish to transmit
complicated diagrams, math, or other documents, announce their
availability, and transmit through private email.

    Book reviews are welcome at res-econ.  Gratuitously commercial
announcements are not.  If you wish to announce the commercial
availability of a new book, please contact the adminstrator first.

8. Using "Subject:" headers.

    In order to facilitate quick reading some of the following
abbreviations should prefix your descriptive subject line, and
should be routinely employed when posting to res-econ.

     ATOC: journal, vol., no./title   annotated TOC
     ABIBL: standard format           annotated bibliography
     CONF: name, date                 conference announcement
     CFP: name, deadline              call for papers
     CRS: course, deadline            upcoming course
     JOB: position                    job announcement
     APPT: position                   announcements of new
     SUM: description                 summary of data
     RSRCH: topic, name, etc.         research announcements,
     BKRVW: book name                 book review
     BKANN: book name                 new book announcement
     ADMIN: description               administrivia

9.  Obtaining a copy of the -list

    The list is not for sale or distribution.  Punto final!

10. Land and Resource Economics Digest

    All postings gated through res-econ are archived and available
in digest form.  Each digest contains posts for every month,
beginning January 1994.  To obtain a copy of the digest send email


    Your subject header should contain the following: "GET res-econ
digest yyyy-mm" where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the month
(e.g., 1994-01).  Please repeat your request in the body of your
message.  Existing digests available are:

    1994-01     78 kB       1994-02    172 kB
    1994-03    104 kB       1994-04    105 kB
    1994-05     46 kB       1994-06      6 kB
    1994-07     13 kB       1994-08     90 kB

11. Journal TOC Service.

    The administrator tracks/receives the tabls of contents for
over sixty international (english language) journals publishing
articles in areas of interest to resource economists.  The TOCs are
mailed to the list two to three times monthly.  Information on
journal subscriptions, submission standards/fees, and article
retrieval are also kept on file [file under construction].

12. Alternate Forums

    The Mineral Economics and Management Society maintains a list
through the University of Alabama.  For information send email to
listserv@uabdpo.dpo.uab.edu; in the body of your message type:
subscribe MEMSNET your name.

    Ecol-econ is a list for the discussion of issues related to
ecological economics and the International Society for Ecological
Economics. For information regarding this list send email to Will
Toor <toor@csf.colorado.edu>.

    There are two lists devoted strictly to issues of law and
economics.  The UK list is a mailbase; for information send email
to mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk, and in the message body type: join
law-economics your name.  The US list is maintained by Frank
Buckley at George Mason University; for information send email to
listproc@gmu.edu, and in the message body type: subscribe econlaw
your name.

    Pol-econ is a list for the discussion of issues and
announcements related to political economy and microeconomic and
macroeconomic theory. For information regarding this list send
email to listserv@shsu.edu; in the body of your message type:
subscribe POL-ECON your name.

    A list for the discussion of research in economic education is
operated out of the University of Texas, Dallas.  For information
email to listserv@vm.utdallas.edu; in the body of your message
type: subscribe ECONED-L your name.  Pedogogy issues in economics
are the topic of Teaching of Economics; for information contact
tch-econ-request@vax1.elon.edu.  One of two lists maintained by the
Cliometric Society concerns teaching that sub-discipline.  For
information send email to listproc@cs.muohio.edu; in the body of
your message type: subscribe econhist.teach your name.

    Rural development issues can be raised through the Community
and Rural Economic Development Interests List.  For information
send email to listserv@ksuvm.ksu.edu; in the body of your message
type: subscribe RURALDEV your name.  Local Economic Development is
subject at majordomo@csn.org; for information send email with the
following in the body: subscribe econ-dev your name.

    There are a series of different forums in economic history.
The Cliometrics Society maintains a general discussion list at
listproc@cs.muohio.edu; to subscribe send email with the following
in the body: subscribe econhist your name.  Another list is
maintained in the UK at mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk; to subscribe send
email, and in the body type: join history-econ your name.

Suggestions on how to improve this document [and Lord knows, it
needs it] can be sent to the administrator:  Richard M. Porter
<res-econ-request@unixg.ubc.ca> or (604) 822-8744
Article 7 of sci.agriculture:
Path: bigblue.oit.unc.edu!concert!news-feed-1.peachnet.edu!emory!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!cyber2.cyberstore.ca!nntp.cs.ubc.ca!unixg.ubc.ca!unixg.ubc.ca!rmporter
From: rmporter@unixg.ubc.ca (Richard Porter)
Newsgroups: sci.agriculture
Subject: Land and Resource Economics
Date: 12 Jan 94 04:32:50 GMT
Organization: The University of British Columbia
Lines: 99
Message-ID: <rmporter.758349170@unixg.ubc.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: unixg.ubc.ca

Land and Resource Economics Electronic Conference (aka, res-econ)

1. What is res-econ?

     The electronic conference is a mail server which routes letters from
individual members to all subscribers to the conference.  The list is
administered by Richard Porter <rmporter@unixg.ubc.ca>.  If you have any
questions regarding the list, you can reach Richard through email, or at
(604) 822-8744. 

2. What is the purpose of res-econ?

     The land and resource economics electronic conference was set up to
facilitate the communication and discussion of issues and topics related
to land and resource economics: its history, ontology, pedogogy,
methodology, theory and application.  While the host is located at the
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, discussion is not limited to
local issues--the server is not intended to be parochial.  Job openings
(private, public and academic), research positions, and conference
announcements are also welcome, as long as they pertain to the res-econ

3. Topics for discussion [the charter] via res-econ include but are not
   limited to: 

          - land economics
          - resource economics, renewable and non-renewable
          - forest economics
          - agricultural economics
          - fisheries economics
          - energy economics
          - environmental and ecological economics
          - resource valuation
          - property rights
          - theory of rents
          - law and economics with respect to resources
          - resource sociology
          - economic history
          - capital and control theory in resource economics
          - political economy and resources
          - resource shocks and the business cycle
          - resource markets, structure and performance
          - multiple use and resource integration
          - development, conservation and preservation issues
          - discussion and criticism of liturature
          - pedogogy, teaching and classroom issues
          - data sharing and data requests
          - forthcoming courses, calls for papers and conferences
          - job openings and research opportunities
          - advice and assistance, including personal experience
4. How does one get on the list?

     To subscribe to the list, you mail a message to:


     The subject header of your message should read:

          subscribe to res-econ

     In the body of your letter type your name as you prefer to be
commonly addressed. 

     To send a message to all members of the list, simply address email


5. Using res-econ@unixg.ubc.ca

     As there is no delay or review of re-routed messages, users are
encouraged to keep their discussions relevant, and to edit out extraneous
chatter when replying to individuals or to the conference as a whole
(especially when doing the latter) [subject headers should be used at all
times].  The open-access nature of mail-servers can lead to an undesirably
high noise-to-signal ratio.  However, self-discipline by users can keep
the diseconomies to a minimum.  Abusers of the server, will be purged and
denied access to the list by the authority of the list owner and
administrator [there will be no second chances]. 

6. Obtaining a copy of -list

	The list is not for sale or distribution.  Punto final!

Suggestions on how to improve this document can be sent to the

     Richard M. Porter <rmporter@unixg.ubc.ca> (604) 822-8744

Richard and Linda Porter; 2756 Oyama Court; Vanc., BC; V6T 1N6; (604) 228-8818
"Accuse not nature, she has done her part; Do thou thine." - John Milton, 1667