
Top Biology & Botany Related Sites

Dear Friends:

Wešd like to invite you to check out our reviews of Biology & 
Botany-related sites.  Point reviews and rates thousands of the very 
best sites on the Web, including sites in this area of interest.

Therešs no charge and no catch.  We hope our lively, independent reviews 
will prove valuable to members of newsgroups like this one.  We hope 
youšll stop by at http://www.pointcom.com.  Thanks for your time.

The sites are rated from 0-50, in: Content, Presentation and 

The Mouse and Rat Research Home Page	42	30	45
Global Entomology Agriculture Research Server: GEARS	45	43	45
Whole Frog Project	44	32	40
Chez Marco Thuispagina	45	40	40
CELLS alive!	42	40	40
Arachnology	40	25	38
Irises	39	28	37
Hydroponics, Hydroponics, Hydroponics!	34	30	35
The A.S.U. Photosynthesis Center	38	32	34
Virology World Wide Web Server	41	30	33