
Re: Veggie Life

Hi Bob (and Cheryl),

 In addition to the vegan list there is also a vegetarian list.  To
subscribe send the message "SUBSCRIBE VEGLIFE First last"  without the
quotation marks of course and where 'first' and 'last' refer to your name.  The
 listserv address is "LISTSERV@VTVM1.BITNET"  There are also other lists in
 the U.K.; I don't know the addresses, but someone on veglife or vegan should.
 Another resource is "rec.food.veg" if you have access to a newsreader.
This bulletin board has been quite busy and nasty :-( of late, but has had
quite a bit of useful information and recipes.  There are also some useful
anonymous ftp sites; Let me know if your interested and I'll give a summary
 of where they are and what they contain (the ones that I know of that is ;-)

 Have a nice weekend,
 Jim McElhinney