
Announcing WellnessList

               Announcing a New List: The Wellness List

This list is founded for the purpose of discussing issues concerning 
Health/Nutrition/Wellness/Life Expectancy/Physical Fitness, and the 
books, experiences, and solutions recommended by the participants. 
This can and should include announcement of and reviews of books 
that include solutions, nutrition related position papers, requests 
for information, recommendations of participants, healthy recipes, 
nutrition and fitness related product announcements, and general 
discussion of related issues.

Health professionals, authors, and nutritionists are encouraged to 
subscribe and share their knowledge with the participants.

The list begins operation without a moderator and is open to all, 
subject to subscription approval by the Listowner.

To subscribe send the following email:
             To: majordomo@wellnessmart.com
        Message: subscribe wellnesslist


        Message: subscribe wellnesslist-digest

If you choose the digest, you will receive messages from the list in
digested chunks (one or two a day). If you subscribe to WellnessList
will receive each email posting to the list as it happens.

List Owner is George Rust (george@wellnessmart.com)
DBA Wellnessmart (info@wellnessmart.com)