
Re: best herb for diarrhea?

>my wife has an illness that requires her to take a drug. This drug has
>diarrhea as a side-effect. Anyone have any ideas on a good herb to stop
>that side-effect??

Difficult to treat, for sure.  You might purchase PLAIN, dried Turmeric!  The 
capsules in the health food, store, that I have seen are usually mixed with 
something else.  In the past, that mixed with a little mayo, horseradish, 
etc., and spread on a radish, a crisp cracker, etc. (about 1/4 tsp MAX!) has 
really done the trick.

However, I would also see if her medication can be "lowered" at all, perhaps 
she is getting a toxic reaction, that starts with diarreahea, but that would 
have to be checked out.  Don't disregard that, though, because that might be 
the case...or might not!

Marsha and David King