
Re: Additional Info about - Earning Easy Cash-

Steve MacGregor wrote:
> Jene tajpis lastatempe Angie Meininger:
> { Apparently this is probably illegal.  I did intend to make a mailing list
> { and sell it with the names that came to me.
> { If I anoyed anyone, I am sorry.   Do what you think best.
>   I did.  And yes, it =is= a felony.  You should be hearing from your
> Internet service provider soon, and you may lose your access.  You may
> also be getting a visit from the postal authorities.
>   This =is= something you can go to prison for.
> --
>          ==----=    Steve MacGregor     {GCS$(AT) -d+ !H s:++ g++ p2+
>         ([.] [.])     Phoenix, AZ       au a50 w+ v+* C+++ U P? !L N+++
> -----oOOo--(_)--oOOo----------------    !W M? po+(++) Y+ t-(+) 5++ j+
> R(-) %pbm++++$ G' tv++ b+++ !D B- e++ n+ h+ f+ r+>+++ n- %eo+++ y+++}

Lighten up, you prick.  The fact that she apologised shows she is not 
criminally minded.  Don't you have anything better to do?  Admittedly, 
she shouldn't have sent a chain letter, but I'm sure she feels badly 
enough just finding it to be illegal.  Your post sounds like you did 
everything you could to make sure she received the maximum penalty, and 
appears designed to scare and intimidate for no valid reason.  For 
goodness sake, she apologised, and retracted the offer.  You appear to 
me to be far worse a person than she is.
-Vic Doumar
