
A Supplement for the Mind, Body and Spirit.

This post is in regards to a substance (called Etherium Gold) that 
myself and many others have tried with amazing success. It has 
effected my life in many ways and I personally believe it to be a 
potential tool in human evolution. 

In short, it is a NATURAL mineral supplement, with a few unusual 
qualities. It offers many of the trace minerals needed for optimal 
health, trace minerals being something which most of the world is 
deficient in due to soil depletion. 

Among the minerals contained in EG is the element Silica which 
combats aging in the skin, hair and connective tissue. It also 
acts as an information transmitter which allows it to carry 
many of the key frequencies in Etherium Gold.

Etherium gold contains certain monatomic elements which seem to 
have a part in causing it to act as an electromagnetic superconductor 
on a cellular, in fact DNA, level. It has been shown to very 
effectively help repair damaged DNA. It has also been proven 
(through Kirlian Photography) to cause the human body's vibrational 
level to rise, the spiritual implications of this are endless. It can 
stimulate all kinds of enhanced awareness and growth, as well as 
dramatically increased health and well being.

EG also has a totally unique and revolutionary energy pattern 
that accounts for much of it's effect. This substance has found 
acceptance in spiritual, medical and scientific circles. It has 
a way of bringing these worlds together. 

I realize that some of the things said above are a bit hard to 
believe. I want to avoid posting the extremely long message that it 
would take to explain fully so I'm simply offering this to spark 
your interest. Don't write this off simply because it sounds a 
little unusual. You can find more info on our web page.

Note: We do offer wholesale pricing, all it takes is the 
right attitude.


If you have any questions, feel free to E-mail. Also, if you 
find that this is the kind of thing you'd like to help people 
discover, add a link to our homepage. 

Thanks for your time...

Ian Kelley (iank@teleport.com)
ONE Enterprises: supplements for the mind, body and spirit 
PO Box 604  Newport, OR 97365                            
Homepage- http://www.teleport.com/~iank
Voice- 503.265.3075
FAX  - 503.265.8680