
Re: Timothy Leary is a hero!!!

Conehead the Barbarian <bobby.smith@ringworld.com> bellowed:
> >> Pure, unadulterated horseshit. Leary believed that LSD was a drug with great
> >> theraputic potential and advocated its use as both a psychiatric tool and a
> >> vehicle for personal introspection
> >
> >but it is the most useless and harmful 'tool' they've tried so far on 
> >the poor manic depressives/schizophrenics they try it on.
> >
> >Caroline
>     LSD is generally NOT recommended for use on manic depressives or 
> schizophrenics!  Obviously the original poster of this thread never did 
> much research on Tim Leary or LSD as the claims that Tim Leary's 
> philosophies were solely concerned with psychedelics (maybe you are 
> confusing Leary with Ken Keasy or someone else), and LSD was usually 
> recommended for obsesive compulsive condidtions in most Psychedelic 
> rescearch, and it was generally found that manic depressives and 
> schizophrenics did poorly on such drugs.  In other words, RTFM!

Actually, maybe YOU should RTFM as well, Conehead.

LSD has been used in the psychological therapy of terminal cancer
patients. It was originally being tested to see if it could alleviate
cronic pain after opiates had failed. It was found that with appropriate
counselling both before and after an LSD session that many of the
psychological afflictions accompanying terminal cancer (most significantly
depression, and the fear/apprehension of unavoidable death) could be
alleviated. Some alleviation of chronic pain was also shown - and this
showed some correlated with the psychological alleviation.

I suppose here there should be a debate on what kind of an animal
"manic" depression is compared to other "types" of depression.

Unfortunately I can't remember the name of a very interesting book about
this I read (drat that loss of short term memory :}). It's by
Stanislov Grof and some woman who's name I also can't remember.

Nimbus Headset

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