
Re: Timothy Leary- destroyer of LSD


Red Snapper (bi931250@cranfield.ac.uk) wrote:

: I'll get round to reading "Flashbacks" one of these days to get the "inside"
: story.  However, don't you think its possible that Leary is trying to
: put the blame for his daughter's death on to the government because he
: doesn't want to admit that it might have been his fault?  IOW, Leary was
: probably in denial about the whole thing and he just found that particular
: incident a convienient excuss to make the authorities the scape goat for
: his own parental failures and just because he claims his daughter's
: suicide was linked to this one event doesn't prove anything.

I'm sure that Leary had alot of faults but when you look at what the U.S. 
government did to him and his family I think you'd have to put alot of 
the blame on the U.S. 

Why should people be arguing that Leary should have known better than to 
let his daughter carry Marijuana? Leary's house was raided over 50 times 
by G. Gordon Liddy. Leary had a religious belief in what he was 
doing--(he was a bona-fide member of a Hindu sect which used Marijuana 
as a Sacrament)--and he should have had the right to do it. There shouldn't 
be an argument about this. Leary was persecuted for his religious beliefs 
and he and his family were destroyed by the U.S. government.

If a catholic's house was raided over 50 times for being a catholic, and 
then the person's daughter committed suicide, no one would be questioning 
whether or not it was the catholic's fault for not being better at hiding!

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