
Re: how do you sow lemongrass seed?

In article <4q6q39$k2d@freenet-news.carleton.ca>,
al062@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Roberta Seed) wrote:

> Could someone tell me how to properly sow lemongrass seed.  I just
> received a small packet from the States, but I want to know if it should be
> started in a pot, what kind of light and soil is required, and the
> watering preferences. I really want this seed to take, as I cant get any
> lemongrass plants locally.  I live in zone 5, and its quite warm out now
> in Central Ontario, Canada.  Thanks, Roberta.

My copy of _Herb Gardening in Texas_ (a far piece from Ontario, I admit)
says that lemongrass (Cynbopogon citratus) does well in either full sun or
partial sun and only average watering, and is best propagated by division
rather than seeds.  No inforamtion about soil other than a 'not sandy'
mark in the chart at the back, I'm afraid.  It does mention, though, that
it is only winter hardy in zone 10 and can handle temperatures down to 20
degrees only with eight to ten inches of mulch, so I'd put it in a pot to
bring in before first frost.

 - Boggles, aka Jennifer Boggess              boggles@io.com
 "I'm the one you're looking for; lay your burden down" 
       - Beans Barton
