
Re: Licorice Cured My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Two Hours!!!!

Camilla Cracchiolo <camilla@primenet.com> wrote:

> Licorice does have effects that hydrocortisone and Florinef don't.  I'm
> not sure how well the in vitro tests translate to the human body, which
> is after all quite complex.  But in vitro, licorice inhibits the growth
> of many viruses, including those of the herpes family, which cause 
> problems for many people with CFS.  It increases the activity of natural
> killer lymphocytes, which are often impaired in people with CFS.  It's a
> potent antioxidant and prevents and even reverses liver damage in 
> animals, something of interest to us folks with CFS since many of us 
> have elevated liver enzymes. And it affects certain prostaglandin 
> pathways, which may in turn have both endocrine and immunological effects.
> We need clinical studies and I agree that it should be used only under a
> doctor's supervision.  We should regard it as experimental only.  I'm also
> far from happy with the protocols that people are using for CFS.  Dr.
> D'adamo's uses a kind of licorice extract that has some serious 
> problems. Dr. Baschetti's, while quite safe, isn't using much licorice
> and I doubt that it has any effect on blood pressure, although people
> might be getting benefits from some of the other effects licorice has.
> But the problem of the dosage not being standardized can be overcome by
> using an extract where the glycyrrhizin content has been adjusted to a
> fixed percentage.  Much like the licorice that David Williams is 
> distributing, in fact.  He tells me that his licorice is standardized to
> 10% glycyrrhizin.  He might even make some sales if he would only calm
> down and stop calling people names.

Sorry if this is covering old ground, but what levels of licorice candy
can be regarded as assisting the immune system without creating
undesireable effects in potassium levels and blood pressure?

I eat 32 gram 'Panda' licorice bars from OY Panda AB of Vaajakoski in
Finland. These contain 'all natural ingredients' - molasses (16 gms),
wheat flour, 'licorice extract' and aniseed oil flavor. The packet
doesn't how much licorice extract is included, so I have no way of
monitoring licorice as a dose. 

How do I find out how much licorice is in 'em, and how many bars should
be my daily maximum?

With thanks  
