
Re: Interested novice

On 16 Jun 1996 03:28:51 GMT, in alt.folklore.herbs en269@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
(Julie K. Stahlhut) wrote:

>I'm a biology graduate student (entomology, but with some systematic
>botany background) who is interested in edible and medicinal plants. 
>I come from a scientific background and have no problem with "Western"
>medicine, but have started experimenting with culinary and medicinal

>Does anyone 
>have any suggestions for a budding herb hobbyist?

Yup - go get the medicinal herbfaq and read that, for starters. It'll point you
in so many directions at once you won't even know where to start for the next
few months or so - that takes care of the medicinal herb part. After you
recovered from that one you can go for the culinary herbfaq next ...

Have fun

Henriette Kress             HeK@hetta.pp.fi            Helsinki, Finland
http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed FTP: sunsite.unc.edu or sunsite.sut.ac.jp
Medicinal and Culinary herbFAQs, plant pictures, neat stuff, archives...