
Alt.folklore.herbs - medicinal herb FAQ (v.1.21) Part 7/7

Archive-name: medicinal-herbs/part7
Posting-Frequency: monthly (on or about 20th)
Last-modified: 1996/06/21
Version: 1.21

Available on the www: http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed/mediherb.html
or by ftp: sunsite.unc.edu or sunsite.sut.ac.jp


4.1 Good Books on Herbs and Herbal Medicine

I've been shopping. I'll update the list as soon as I've read all the new
books - nah, just kidding. But as soon as I find the time off from my other
projects. Promise! Anyway the REALLY good books in the 'these I don't have'
-part have received some new comments marked ***.

The list so far:

   * Michael Moore: Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West.
     1993, Red Crane Books, 826 Camino de Monte Rey, Santa Fe,
     New Mexico 87501, USA.
     ISBN 1-878610-31-7 (paperbound); listprice USD 19.95.
   * Michael Moore: Medicinal Plants of the Desert and Canyon West.
     1989, The Museum of New Mexico Press, P.O.Box 2087, Santa Fe, New
     Mexico 87503, USA. They do not accept VISA.
     ISBN 0-89013-182-1 (paperback); listprice USD 11.95.
   * Michael Moore: Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West.
     1979, The Museum of New Mexico Press (address as above).
     ISBN 0-89013-104-X (paperback); listprice USD 11.95.

Michael Moore's books on herbal medicine are the best I've seen to date,
and they're fun to read, too. Go get his on-line books from his homepage or
sunSITE, too; see 6.1 and 7.1 for details.

And, if you ever decide to do a book on medicinal uses of your local flora,
go see how it is done in his book 'Los Remedios - Traditional Herbal
Remedies of the Southwest'.

   * Maude Grieve: A Modern Herbal, in two volumes. (You need them both.)
     1931, reprinted in 1971, Dover Publications, Inc., 180 Varick Street,
     New York, N.Y. 10014, USA.
     ISBN 0-486-22798-7 (I), 0-486-22799-5 (II), listprice USD 9.95 each.
     A good all-round book as a reference; it has so much information on so
     many plants that it's not really outdated yet. 866 pages + index...

It's on the WWW too, scanned and OCR'd in full by Ed Greenwood:

   * Steven Foster + James A. Duke: A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants,
     Eastern/Central North America (Peterson Field Guide Series)
     1990, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.
     ISBN 0-395-35309-2 (hardcover); listprice USD 24.95.
     ISBN 0-395-46722-5 (paperback); listprice USD 16.95.
   * Steven Foster + Yue Chongxi: Herbal Emissaries - bringing Chinese
     Herbs to the West.
     1992, Healing Arts Press, One Park Street, Rochester, Vermont 05767.
     ISBN 0-89281-349-0. USD 16.95.
     Very thorough description of Chinese plants (with growing
     instructions) for us Westerners. Good Stuff. (I LIKE books with more
     than 2 pages per plant. These guys use about 6 pages per...)
   * Susun S. Weed: the Wise Woman Herbal series (Healing Wise, Menopause,
     Childbearing Year, and maybe more)
     Healing Wise: 1989, Ash Tree Publishing, PO Box 64, Woodstock, NY
     12498, USA.
     ISBN 0-9614620-2-7.
     Childbearing Year: 1986, Ash Tree Publishing.
     Menopausal Years: 1992, Ash Tree Publishing.
     Interesting approach to Herbal Healing.
   * Lesley Bremness: The Complete Book of Herbs - a practical guide to
     growing and using herbs.
     1988, Viking Studio Books, Penguin Books Ltd., 27 Wrights Lane, London
     W8 5TZ, England.
     ISBN 0-670-81894-1.
     Basic book for the beginner; nice pictures. Also cultivation.


These I don't have (and thus all is hearsay); they are listed by author:

   * James A. Duke: CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs.
     1985, CRC Press, Boca-Raton, FL.
   * Rosemary Gladstar: Herbal Healing for Women.
     1993, Fireside Books, Simon & Schuster, New York
     ISBN 0-671-76767-4 (softcover); list price USD 12.00
     *** It's a good one.
   * James Green: The Male Herbal: Herbal Health Care for Men and Boys
     1991, Crossing Press, Freedom, CA.
     ISBN 0-895-94459-6 (hard cover).
   * James Green: The Herbal Medicine Maker's Handbook
     1990, Simplers Botanical Co., Box 39, Forestville, CA 95436
     listprice (paperback) USD 5.00.
   * Christopher Hobbs: booklets on various topics (Valerian, Echinacea,
     Milk Thistle, Usnea, Medicinal Mushrooms, Natural Liver Therapy,
     Vitex, Immune Therapy).
     Botanica Press, Box 742, Capitola, CA 95010. (Most are USD 5-10).
     Accurate and balanced articles. Good buy!

Go see a lot of articles by Hobbs on the web:

   * David Hoffmann: The New Holistic Herbal
     1990 (3rd edition), Element Books Ltd, Longmead, Shaftesbury,
     Dorset, England.
     ISBN 1-85230-193-7 (softcover)

From healingpgs@aol.com (HealingPgs):
New edition with more color pictures being released under the title
"Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal"; ISBN 1-85230-758-7; Release date:
May '96

   * David Hoffmann: An Elders' Herbal (don't let the title throw you)
     1993, Healing Arts Press, Vermont.
     ISBN 0-89281-396-2 (softcover); list price USD 14.95.

From healingpgs@aol.com (HealingPgs):
Emphasis on the treatment of the elderly by herbal medicine. Unique.

   * David Hoffmann: The Herbal Handbook: A User's Guide to Medical
     1988, Healing Arts Press. USD 10.95.
     All texts by Hoffmann are reliable.

Go see a lot of stuff by Hoffmann on the web: - if you search
for a while you'll also find other stuff by him on this site. (No, I don't
know why they spell his name wrong in the directory name).

   * Marie-Louise Kreuter: Natural Herb Gardening
     Macmillan Publishing Company, 866 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022.
     This is a translation from German. (I know because she has other books
     in German.)
   * Claire Loewenfeld: Herb Gardening
     Faber and Faber Limited, 3 Queen Square, London, WCIN 3AU
   * John Lust: The Herb Book.
     1974. USD 6.95.
     *** Actually not bad, once you get a closer look at it. LOTS of tables
     you can look up things in.
   * S. Mills: Out of the Earth: The Essential Book of Herbalism.
     1992, Viking Press.

From healingpgs@aol.com (HealingPgs):
The Penguin softcover was released under the title "The Essential Book of
Herbal Medicine". This is still in print, $15.00.
ISBN 014-019309X.

   * Michael Murray + Joseph Pizzorno: Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine.
     Prima Publishing, P.O. Box 1260MP, Rocklin, California 95677.
     Listprice USD 18.95.

From healingpgs@aol.com (HealingPgs):
Also good and very similar is Michael Murray's Healing Power of Herbs, 2nd
edition, also published by Prima. Reverse organization of the Encyclopedia,
goes from herb to disease, rather than from disease to herb. Also more
up-to-date. A revised edition of the Encyclopedia will be released in
Aug/Sept of '96.

   * Penelope Ody: The Complete Medicinal Herbal.
     Dorling Kindersley, USD 29.95.
     Has most everything the beginner needs and then some.
   * Jeanne Rose: Jeanne Rose's Modern Herbal.
     USD 9.95
   * Debra St.Claire: Herbal Preparations and Natural Therapies: Creating
     and Using a Home Herbal Medicine Chest. Video + book package.
     1989, Morningstar Publications, Boulder, Colorado 80302, USA.
     ISBN 0-9623812-0-9, listprice USD 140.
     It is 142 pages of pure gold... and the videos show you how to do it
     in your own kitchen.
     (review by Rusty Taylor (rustytay@orca.esd114.wednet.edu))
   * Michael Tierra: Planetary Herbology: an integration of Western herbs
     into the traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic systems.
     Lotus Press, P. O. Box 6265, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502-6265, USA.
     *** Now THIS one is a gem.
   * Michael Tierra: The Way of Herbs.
     1990, Pocket Books, New York.
     ISBN 0-671-72403-7 (paperback).
     *** What would this one be in Japanese? Herb-do? (grin) Nice book.
   * Rudolf Fritz Weiss, MD: Herbal Medicine.
     1988. Listprice USD 55.
     Translation of the 6th edition of Lehrbuch der Phytotherapie.
     Beaconsfield Publishers LTD, Beaconsfield, England.
     This book is organized by system and subdivided by diseases and is
     written from an MD's perspective. Contains a lot of useful
     information. (kathjokl@aol.com)
     *** Actually way too little bang for the buck. Go buy Michael Moore's
     books instead.

East-Asian traditional healing (ETH) (also called TCM, Traditional Chinese

   * Dan Bensky, Andrew Amble, Ted Kaptchuk: Chinese Herbal Medicine
     Materia Medica, 2nd. edition.
     Eastland Press, Inc., Seattle, Washington, 1993.
     The standard ETH Materia Medica.
   * Dan Bensky, Andall Barolet: Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas &
     Strategies, 1st. edition.
     Eastland Press, Inc., Seattle, Washington, 1990.
     The companion Formulary.

>starting a course of acupuncture and Chinese herbology -- does anyone know
any good books on this subject?

From healingpgs@aol.com (HealingPgs):
Read Ted Kaptchuk's The Web That Has No Weaver. Most of the Seattle
acupuncture schools use this as a first year text and it's a lovely,
intelligent explanation of the basics of TCM. The herb book that is most
popular with our local acupuncturists is Dagmar Ehling's Chinese Herbalist
Handbook. It's laid out in a very user-friendly fashion. The big herbal
reference works for most Western trained acupuncturists are the Eastland
Press books by Dan Bensky -- they are probably available through your
school bookstore.

Aromatherapy starter kit:

   * Patricia Davis: Aromatherapy, An A-Z.
     1988, The C.W. Daniel Company LTD, Saffron Walden, England.
     ISBN 0-85207-185-x (softcover); list price USD 19.95.
     *** I'd like somebody to send me some better Aromatherapy titles. This
     one is good if you know a lot and just want to look things up but it
     doesn't give you an overview.


4.2 Good Books for further studies

So now you feel you've read enough books, but you're still glassy-eyed from
reading the 'constituents' -part of the books (or the various ailment
descriptions) - time to go shopping for some heavier stuff:


   * Harvey Wickes Felter, John Uri Lloyd: King's American Dispensatory, in
     two volumes.
     1898, 18th edition, 3rd revision. Reprinted 1993, Eclectic Institute,
     14385 SE Lusted Rd., Sandy, OR 97055. 1-800-332-4372.
     No ISBN number. Listprice USD 225.
     This one lists everything they knew about plants (and chemicals used
     in medicine) back then, and does it exhaustively. This one is REALLY
   * Norman Grainger Bisset (Ed.): Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals, A
     Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis.
     Translation of Max Wichtl (Ed.): Teedrogen, below.
     1994, CRC Press.
     This book has 181 monographs on European herbs with descriptions and
     photographs of the herbs, with lists of constituents, indications,
     side-effects, delivery system, method for authenticating the herb
     (usually a TLC), and the quantitative standards of the European
     pharmacaopeias where it is listed as official. Although it does not
     explain mode of action, this is a technical, and scientific book of
     excellent quality and a must for serious herbal students. It is also
     expensive as are all CRC books. (kathjokl@aol.com)
   * Max Wichtl (Hrsg.): Teedrogen, Ein Handbuch fuer die Praxis auf
     wissenschaftlicher Grundlage. 2., erweiterte, ueberarbeitete Aufl.
     1989, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Birkenwaldstr. 44,
     D-7000 Stuttgart 1, Germany.
     ISBN 3-8047-1009-3, listprice DEM 178.
     It's expensive in the original, too, but still a good reference - for
   * Trease + Evans: Pharmacognosy, 13th edition.
     1989, Bailliere Tindall, London.
     There is a great deal of chemistry involved in this book but again it
     is an excellent reference if this is the type of information you want.

Then you need:

   * A basic chemistry textbook.
   * A good biochemistry textbook. I have Stryer, 3.ed., so now even I
     understand something about enzymes.
   * A good anatomy/physiology textbook (good to put you to sleep, too).
   * The Anatomy Coloring Book
   * The Physiology Coloring Book
   * The latest Merck Manual, which lists main illnesses plaguing mankind -
     not for us hypochondriacs. You might need a Medicinese - English
     dictionary to understand it.
   * The latest Merck Index, which lists medicines by their constituents;
     meaning you can check which extracted part of which plant is used in
     which over-the-counter medicine for what illness.


4.3 Good Magazines


   * The European Journal of Herbal Medicine.
     Medical Herbalists, 56 Longbrook Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 6AH, UK,
     Europe. Phone + 01392 426022, fax + 01392 498963.
     3 issues per year, GBP 17.50/year (UK), 20.00/year (EC), 25.50/year
     (overseas). They don't take Visa, but check or money-order is OK.
     Good Stuff on Herbal Medicine, from NIMH.
   * Medical Herbalism
     A free copy of Medical Herbalism is available on the Internet: try
     Bergner Communications, P.O. Box 33080, Portland, OR 97233.
     503-255-5976. bergner@teleport.com .
     Quarterly, USD 29/yr (Canada USD 34/yr, Foreign USD 39/yr).
     They don't take credit cards.
   * The Herbalist
     American Herbalist Guild, P.O. Box 1683, Soquel, CA 95073 USA.
     email herbs@got.net, phone 1-408-496-HERB; fax 1-408-496-4140.
     Professional USD 85 /year; Associate USD 50 /year; Student USD 35/year
     Benefactor USD 500+. Please add USD 15 for foreign subscriptions.
   * The Herb Companion.
     Interweave Press, 201 E. 4th St., Dept. I-WC, Loveland, CO 80537.
     (800) 645-3675, FAX (970) 667-8317.
     Bimonthly, ISSN 1040-581X, USD 24/yr. (Foreign USD 31/year).
     Mainly culinary used and gardening of herbs, but lately the American
     Botanical Council and the Herb Research Foundation have had
     supplements on Herbs for Health (which is planned to continue).
   * HerbalGram (Journal of the American Botanical Council and the Herb
     Research Foundation)
     American Botanical Council, P.O. Box 201660, Austin, TX 78720.
     (512) 331-8868, FAX (512) 331-1924.
     Quarterly, ISSN 0899-5648, USD 25/yr. (Foreign USD 35/yr).
     Technical and scientific, ethnobotany, latest medical research.
     One BIG but: they push Varro Tyler something fierce. Just ignore that
     and you'll find it's a nice magazine. (And no, don't buy any books by
     Varro Tyler. Go get the good stuff listed in good books above
   * The American Herb Association Quarterly Newsletter
     P.O. Box 1673, Nevada City, CA 95959 USA.
     Subscriptions: USD 35/supporting, USD 20/regular membership per year.
   * The Eclectic Medical Journals
     P.O. Box 936, Sandy, OR 97055 USA.
     Subscriptions: USD 84/yr for 6 issues.
     Comment stolen from an article by Jonathan Treasure: '... the articles
     in The Eclectic Medical Journals, while giving a useful insight into
     the grass-roots of the Eclectic movement, hardly justify their annual
     cost of USD 84 subscription to the average practitioner.'
   * North East Herb Association Newsletter.
     P.O. Box 146, Marshfield, VT 05658-0146 USA.
     Subscriptions: USD 30-USD 100/yr depending on what you can afford.
   * The Protocol Journal of Botanical Medicine
     P.O. Box 108, Harvard, MA 01451 USA.
     Subscriptions: USD 96/yr professional; USD 75/yr students; USD 120/yr
   * United Plant Savers (dedicated to replanting endangered and threatened
     medicinal plants),
     P.O. Box 420, East Barre, VT 05649 USA.
     USD 35 - USD 100 sliding scale.
   * The Herb Quarterly
     Long Mountain Press, 223 San Anselmo Ave, Suite 7, San Anselmo,
     CA 94960. (415) 455-9560, FAX (415) 455-9541.
     Quarterly, ISSN 0163-9900, USD 24/yr. (Foreign USD 29/year).
   * American Herb Association Quarterly Newsletter
     P. O. Box 1673, Nevada City, CA 95959
   * Planta Medica
     Should be in any pharmacy/pharmacognosy university library.
   * Journal of Ethnopharmacology
     Should be in any pharmacy/pharmacognosy university library.

Also check sunsite.unc.edu


5 Other sources


5.1 Napralert - online commercial database

There's an introduction to NAPRALERT on this www page:

I asked Mary Lou Quinn about Napralert, and was surprised when she signed,
Managing Director, NAPRALERT... She states the difference between Medline
and Napralert as follows:

NAPRALERT is and always has been restricted to world literature regarding
natural products. Medline is not restricted. Just as one example, if you
query NAPRALERT on the key word AMYGDALIN, you will get only that
literature pertaining to the compound AMYGDALIN (otherwise known as

If you query Medline, not only will you get the above, but you will also
get lots of articles dealing with the Amygdala of the brain, anatomy,
physiology, etc. It has never been NAPRALERT'S goal to be all inclusive
regarding medical science. However, if you want the most comprehensive
database on Medicinal plants and Natural products, then NAPRALERT is the
way to go.

She also snailed me an information package. Quoting from that:

Napralert (NAtural PRoducts ALERT) is a relational database of world
literature on the chemical constituents and pharmacology of plant,
microbial and animal (primarily marine) extracts.

It's housed and maintained by the Program for Collaborative Research in the
Pharmaceutical Sciences, within the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and
Pharmacognosy, in the College of Pharmacy of the University of Illinois at
Chicago, 833 South Wood Street (M/C 877), Chicago, IL 60612, U.S.A.
Phone (312)-996-2246, Fax (312)-996-7107.

And here is what it'll cost you:

You can access Napralert by paying bulk rate (subscribing) or by paying per
question. Annual subscription fee for individual user with no ties to
government agencies, small or large businesses, research institutes or
libraries: USD 100, of which half gets you manuals, a user ID/password, and
limited disk storage space, and the other half gets you answers (at USD
0.75 per reference obtained).

Per question rate: USD 25 + USD 0.75 per reference obtained.
Off-line (snailmail rate): USD 25 + USD 0.75 per reference obtained.

NAPRALERT is also available on-line through STN in the US, Europe and Asia.

For more info and user ID application email quinn@pcog.pmmp.uic.edu (Mary
Lou Quinn).


5.2 Medline - online commercial database

From krishna@posnet.co.uk:

You can get free Medline access from HealthGate:
The text of the page indicates that this is only available to US residents
but it is not clear this is enforced. I registered at my UK address and
E-mail and was able to access Medline just fine. It is a strange
registration interface. You can choose any country but then you have to
choose a US state as well.
Comment by Mark D. Gold (mgold@laraby.tiac.net):

"I find it (Medline) a very useful tool. But it is important to realize
that there are several articles which warn about the "dangers" of herbs
(particularly in JAMA) which are little more than inaccurate hatchet jobs."

This entry is based on the Medline FAQ by Gregory W. Froehlich, M.D.,
edited by camilla@primenet.com.

> I've been hearing a lot about "med-line". What exactly is it, what is it
used for, and can you access it via internet?

I'll quote from the National Library of Medicine:

"Thousands of new books and articles in biomedicine are published every
month. How can a health professional or investigator easily locate
literature relevant to a particular area of patient care or research?

Since the early 1970's, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) has made
searching the biomedical literature faster and easier by providing online
information retrieval on the MEDLARS, (MEDical Literature Analysis and
Retrieval System) family of databases. MEDLINE - NLM's premier database -
has over 7 million citations to biomedical articles and is searched more
than eighteen thousand times a day.

The cheapest way to access Medline is to attend a school or university with
a medical library. Many schools give free medline access to students. Some
university medical libraries will provide free Medline access to the
public: this varies with the school and the state in which it's located.
It's worth checking out. A few municipal public libraries also offer free

It's also possible to get a direct account and search Medline from your
home. However, there is no free way to do this.

In order to make searching even easier and provide a user-friendly way to
use the MEDLARS system, NLM, in 1986, developed a software package called
Grateful Med. The simplicity and efficiency of searching with Grateful Med
have made it immensely popular -more than 50,000 copies of the software
have been sold since its introduction." (You can also access Medline
through commercial services like PaperChase, etc - more costly).

Step 1: Get a user ID/password. You can call the National Technical
Information Service at 1-800-423-9255 for info, or write to them at:

5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, VA 22161

Or, you can be a cyberstud and get the application form 'userid.txt' by
anonymous ftp from nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov in the directory /online/ medlars.

Step 2: Decide whether to use a front end (Grateful Med) or to learn how to
communicate directly with MEDLINE (HINT: pick door #1).
Download it from the same server above (check through the /grateful
directory for the files you need) or order it from NTIS (see Step 1, or get
the order form 'gmorder.txt' in the directory /online/medlars).
It's USD 30 or so the latter way.

Step 3: If you decide against using Grateful Med, you can access MEDLINE
through programs like Telnet at medlars.nlm.nih.gov. You'll need an
ID/password. You can also access MEDLINE through commercial services such
as PaperChase (Telnet to pch.bih.harvard.edu, enter pch, signup when it
asks for password)

$$$: NTIS charges for access; I seem to pay about a dollar a search. Hourly
charges work out to about USD 20/hour, but some searches, where abstracts
are retrieved can be more expensive. Commercial services like PaperChase
(available on CompuServe) are also more expensive.


5.3 Demo or shareware herbprograms

Go get these and choose for yourself. They're all on sunsite, too:

and on the mirror in Japan:

   * "Healing Powers of Herbs" by Klaus Hoferichter, found by ftp at
     oak.oakland.edu (or mirrors) in /SimTel/msdos/food:
     891879 Mar 15 18:00 herbp21.zip
     Graphical DOS interface - mouse essential.
   * "Herb Power v. 2.0", by Klaus Hoferichter, found by ftp at
     oak.oakland.edu (or mirrors) in /SimTel/msdos/food:
     795135 Mar 10 18:19 hph2.zip.
     Graphical DOS interface - mouse essential.
   * Demo of the "Herbal Browser", by Marvel C. Stalcup, found at aol and
     demoherb.exe (self-extracting file, size 248436).
     DOS - interface, mouse recommended but not essential.
     Really jiffy jumping function, easy to browse.
   * "Herbage for DOS v.1.0", by Tim Johnson, found by ftp at
     oak.oakland.edu (or mirrors) in SimTel/msdos/biology:
     205081 Feb 25 02:15 herbage1.zip.
     DOS - interface, no mouse needed.
     Nice 'export text' -function.
   * "Illustrated Medical Herbal Encyclopedia" - demo version, found by ftp
     at oak.oakland.edu (or mirrors) in /SimTel/msdos/food
     226983 Apr 22 03:05 medherb1.zip
     DOS - interface, no mouse needed.


5.4 Commercial Herbprograms

From: Jim Bardon <73052.1606@CompuServe.COM>, 21 May 96, on Paracelsus:

There are 2 "state-of-the-art" packages to investigate which--I
believe--will prove much more depth in the long-run for you as your needs

   * GlobalHerb (Windows or Mac) - $400 from Chris Blackburn at Global
     Healthfinders. Phone # 1-707-585-3677 (voice) or fax 1-707-585-3678.
     Snail-mail: Global Health Finders, 4332 Grace Court, Rohnert Park, CA
     Just call him and ask for literature and a free "demo disc".
     The demo disc--though not updated to show all the features of the
     newest "GlobalHerb" version, will still give you a taste of the real
     "power" in this program. No CD-ROM program I've seen can touch its
     WESTERN herb database.
     Note: Although it does contain SOME Chinese patent herbal formulas,
     they are few-and-far between. It is basically a 99% WESTERN approach
     to herbology. Very well done--search by symptom, dose, toxicity, etc.
     Get the demo disc and see for yourself.
   * Green Medicine Database" (Windows or Mac) - $500 from Redwing Books.
     Phone: 1-800-873-3946 (Brookline, MA). Internet: redwing@oa.net.
     This is 100% oriented to CHINESE HERBAL FORMULAS--has very little in
     terms of Western herbology. But it's by far the EASIEST TO USE and
     MOST COMPLETE Chinese Herbal Formula software I've ever found. Redwing
     will sell you a DEMO DISC for just $10 (Windows or Mac)--well worth
     the ten dollars to see what a serious "Chinese Herbal Software"
     program can do for your practice. It's written by Daniel Weber, a
     Chinese Herbalist who lives in Australia--of all places. I've found
     this program to be easier to use than the "Formulary" Chinese herbal
     program--although you might find it the other way around. So, just for
     the record, here's how to investigate the "Formulary"...
   * "Formulary" - just visit Dr. Christopher Jayne's "CHIRON" web home
     page -- he acts as a "clearing house" selling MANY different software
     packages for holistic practitioners and serious students. A definite
     "Must Visit" web site for anyone on this Paracelsus list! Here's the
     address: http://www.olympus.net/chiron
     Or you can contact the "Formulary" producers directly: EAST WEST
     HEALING ARTS CENTER, Park Boulevard Professional Building, 4174 Park
     Blvd., 2nd Floor, Oakland, CA 94602, (510) 531-4346. (no demo disc,




From HeK: I don't have these, so all is hearsay:

   * "The Herbalist", ver.2.0, by David L. Hoffmann, CD-Rom database, list
     price USD 54.95 (USD 45 now?), just under 50 MB, DOS, Windows, Mac.
     Available from Hopkins Technology, 421 Hazel Lane, Hopkins, MN
     55343-7116. Phone 612-931-9376 or 800-397-9211.
     More info found at http://www.hoptechno.com/herbmm.htm.
   * "Traditional Chinese Medicine & Pharmacology" Hopkins Technology (as
     above). USD 29.95.


6 Teachings and stuff

If you know of any good additions please let me know.


6.1 Apprenticeships offered lately

Howie Brounstein, Columbines and Wizardry Herbs, Inc. (howieb@teleport.com)

You'll find his offer on his homepage:

The rest of the stuff on his homepage is readable, too. Go get a laugh at
Fad herbs, or read up on smoking herbs, or mugwort. Have fun.

Michael Moore, Southwest School of Botanical Medicine.
His offer is found on his homepage:

He means to take a sabbatical 1997. So get prepared for 1998... but while
you're on site have a good look at all the goodies; if you are not a
beginner, get the big textfiles - Herbal Materia Medica, Herbal Repertory,
Herbal/Medical Dictionary, Herbal-Medical Contraindications, Specific
Indications, Herbal Tinctures, Herbal Energetics, and anything else that
might have been added. But _do_ download the Herbal Energetics.

These are summaries of how to prepare and use plants you already know in
ways you already know (even though you didn't necessarily know that you can
use THAT plant in THIS way before reading the stuff).

Then go get the plant folders - GOOD stuff. Funny, too, like most of the
more wordy stuff (watch me look up some strange medicinese word in his
Dictionary and start to grin over those descriptions ... whew.)

Then get the Classic Texts. And read them, too.
And then all the pictures and illustrations and whatever else you might
find - most of it is Well Worth Downloading.

I think that ftp is better for downloading the LOADS of stuff you can get
from this site, so I asked would he want an FTP mirror. Yes he would.
Michael Moore updates the files on his WWW site constantly; I download the
new stuff to SunSITE once a week or at least once every second week. Use
ftp to go to sunsite.unc.edu (or sunsite.sut.ac.jp) and cd to

Roy Collins, Tidewater Institute of Herbal Studies.
He offers an annual apprenticeship program (non-certificate) with is held
once per month for twelve months (on Sundays, starting in fall).
He is 3-1/2 hours from NYC and 1 hour from Boston. If interested send
e-mail to him or send snail mail to Tidewater Institute of Herbal Studies,
101 Van Zandt Ave., Warwick, RI 02889.


6.2 Pointers to schools

Try the Herbal Hall. They've a LOT of schools on their WWW page:

From EProvence@aol.com (Eugenia Provence):
Both the American Herb Association (AHA), PO Box 1673, Nevada City, CA
95959 and the American Herbalist Guild (AHG), PO Box 1127, Forestville, CA
95436 publish directories of schools and classes in the US.

You will be sure to find one that appeals to your approach to herbalism,
whether that's a folk or a scientific approach.

On the herblist July 1995:

From Roy Collins, ac956@osfn.rhilinet.gov:

Although I've heard a lot good things about Dominion Herbal College (in
Burnaby, BC) it is basically a correspondence school. Nothing beats hands
on field work and direct interaction with a flesh and blood teacher. There
are numerous schools that offer *certificates* of graduation from herb
schools, but the herbal profession is not a licensed practiced in the U.S.
and legal repercussions can occur, as it is defined as a form of medical

This is not true in England and the European countries, however, and
licensing is commonplace. One way of getting around this is to find a good
Naturopathic School (which incorporates the use of herbs) and to become a
licensed Dr. of Naturopathy (N.D.) and set up practice. I believe many
states (including Connecticut) *allow* this alternative medical art to be
practiced. The names and addresses for both herbal schools and schools of
Naturopathy are regularly published in the advertising sections of health,
herb, and vegetarian magazines.

6.2.1 ND degrees and accreditation
From Eric Yarnell <yarnell@scn.org>:

There are three naturopathic medical schools in the United States which are
accredited or in the process of being accredited.

The accrediting agency is the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education
The CNME can be contacted at: 402-391-6714, POB 11426, Eugene OR, 97440.
The CNME is accredited by the US Department of Education and is the only
recognized licensing agency for naturopathic medical schools in the US.

Bastyr University was the first accredited school in the US. The school can
be contacted at:
144 NE 54th St, Seattle WA 98105
The school will be relocated to a new campus in summer 1996.
The school offers a certificate in Chinese herbal medicine, degrees in
acupuncture and nutrition, and other offerings besides the ND degree.

National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) is the oldest continuously
operating naturopathic medical school in the US. It can be reached at:
11231 SE Market St, Portland OR 97216
It offers an ND degree.

The Southwest College of Naturopathio Medicine and Health Sciences is the
newest naturopathic medical school. It can be reached at:
6535 E Osborn Rd, Ste 703, Scottsdale AZ 85251
The campus will be moving eventually, perhaps in 1997.
The school offers an ND degree.

States which offer licenses to people who have graduated with an ND from
one of these three schools, after passing the Naturopathic Physicians
Licensing Exam (NPLEx):
Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Montana, Oregon,

There are additional recognized ND licenses in Utah and Florida. No new
licenses are being granted in those states, however.

The naturopathic medical school in Canada considered legitimate by the
above groups is the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine:
60 Berl Ave, Toronto ON M8Y 3C7
British Columbia and Ontaria currently license NDs who pass licensing exams
and who have graduated from any of the four legitimate naturopathic medical
schools with an ND.

Botanical medicine is an important part of naturopathic therapy. NDs are
the only health care professionals licensed specifically to treat using
medicinal herbs, and who are explicitly trained as physicians in the use of
said agents.

Other resources:

Federation of Naturopathic Medical Licensing Boards, Inc.
5002 W Glendale Ave, Ste 101, Glendale AZ 85301

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
2366 Eastlake Ave E, Ste 322
Seattle WA 98102

From: tim@thorne.thorne.com (Tim Birdsall, ND), on 23Mar96:

Just as of last week, Utah passed a naturopathic licensure bill, which has
been signed into law by the governor, so Utah is now on the list of
licensed states.

Web pages:
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians:

about Clayton's 'ND' correspondence courses - which are 'accredited':

From: Paul Bergner <bergner@teleport.com>
Subject: Clayton School

Someone recently posted that the Clayton School had obtained
"accreditation". By what body, may I ask? Is it something recognized by the
Department of Education, or is it some form of gratuitous
self-accreditation? The test of legitimacy is whether students are eligible
for government student loans.

From: tim@thorne.thorne.com (Tim Birdsall, ND)

I have absolutely no quarrel with distance learning. However there is a
substantive difference between getting an MBA by home study and getting a
health care degree! How can you learn physical diagnosis without someone
standing over your shoulder saying "No, the spleen is here." or "Yes, this
person's liver feels enlarged." To the best of my knowledge, no other
health care profession has any legitimate degrees offered exclusively via
home study.


6.3 Correspondence courses in the UK

from David Powner

Details of Correspondence courses in the UK.

As far as I'm aware, there is only the one college that offers proper
qualifications via mail.

The School of Phytotherapy
Bucksteep Manor
Bodle Street Green
Nr. Hailsham BN27 4 RJ
Phone: (0)1323 833812
Fax : (0)1323 833869

This college does several courses:

Four year full time residential course. This now leads to a B.Sc. Honours
Degree in Phytotherapy, and one is legally permitted to practice as a
Medical Herbalist upon qualification, and to apply for membership of a
professional body such as NIMH (National Institute of Medical Herbalists).
Current Fees: GBP 3,900.00 per year

Four year correspondence course. Similar to above, with a Diploma in Herbal
Medicine. Also permits the practising of Herbal Medicine, and to apply for
professional membership.
Current Fees: 160 sterling per quarter excluding books, seminars, exams

There is also a requirement to undertake 500 hours of clinical training at
about 2.50 sterling per hour - spread over the four years. Also yearly
seminars at a cost of 140 each (excluding accommodation)

Overseas students can arrange to have their clinical training with an
approved herbalist in their own country, but the 5 day seminars are only
held in the UK - one each year, and are obligatory.

This is the course that I'm aiming at taking; it involves 20/30 hrs per
week studying, but I reckon it's good value for money. Depends what you
want out of it!

One Year correspondence course: leads to a Certificate of Herbal studies,
but does not permit the practicing of Herbal Medicine. It is necessary to
attend an examination/seminar at the end of the year if the certificate is
Current Fees: 130 sterling per quarter or 475 if paid in full in advance.
The weekend seminar is 80 sterling (excluding accommodation)

There are other courses for GPs & Osteopaths etc., and Introductory and
Preliminary courses in Biology & Chemistry. The college has recently had
degree status granted for their four year residential course, as herbal
medicine is regaining worldwide acceptance.

David Powner <David@filtermx.demon.co.uk>


6.4 Etc.

6.4.1 1996 Herb Festival - "Herbs Around The World"

"Herbs Around The World" will be held on 9/7/96 from 10:00am to 5:00pm on
the grounds of Hill Top Nursery & Herbal Garden in Southern New Jersey.

We are located 20 minutes north west of Atlantic City, 40 minutes south
east of Phila. and 2.5 hours from Washington, DC.

Last year's festival, "Herbal Nutrition, Preventative Medicine" was a huge
success. This year we intend to triple attendance. There is no charge for
admission, lectures, displays or demonstrations. We charge a parking fee of
$1.00 per vehicle to encourage car-pooling and the herbal buffet luncheon
breaks down to less than $5.00 per person. Our goal is not profit, but
education and involvement. Some of the issues that we will be addressing
are bio-diversity, heirloom seed preservation, organic agriculture,
ethnobotany, environmental conservation, and the many uses of herbs, etc.
We are currently looking for crafters, demonstrators & speakers.

Contact Anita Beckwith, Hill Top Nursery & Herbal Garden, PO Box 115, 5916
Duerer Street, Egg Harbor, NJ 08215-0115 (609-965-0337) for details.


7 Check these sites:

Among the goodies you'll find the AFH archives, Michael Moore's files, and
some nice WWW pages.


7.1 FTP sites with info on medicinal herbs

7.1.1 Sunsite Herb archives
All files in the /pub/ directory tree on SunSITE.unc.edu are mirrored on
the server in Japan: SunSITE.sut.ac.jp.

http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed/ or

you'll find below mentioned newsgroup and mailing list archives, LOTS of
pictures, and a mirror of all the SWSBM files (Michael Moore's stuff).
There's other herbal stuff, as well - just go have a look. If you have
homeless herbal files drop me a note: HeK@hetta.pp.fi

The archives for alt.folklore.herbs and the culinary and medicinal
herblists are found here:
http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed/archives.html or

The herbfaqs are found here:
http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed/herbfaqs.html or

A lot of gardening faqs (including the growing herbs for sale faq), and the
archives for rec.gardens, are found here:

And you'll find a wealth of herb information here - unfortunately not very
well organized, but if you do have the time to browse you'll find it is a
http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london/Herb_Archives.html or

Ftpmail: send e-mail to ftpmail@sunsite.unc.edu for helpfile on ftpmail

WAIS: also available by telnet; follow login instructions

7.1.2 Herbal Hall
Rob Bidleman keeps this site up-to-date:
There's a wealth of files on medicinal herbs.


7.2 Interesting WWW pages

Use a Search Engine to search for WWW pages on specific plants.
I'll only list the most important herbal WWW pages here. And you'll find
links to the rest on Algy's page.

Michael Moore's homepage: http://www.rt66.com/hrbmoore/HOMEPAGE
Southwest School of Botanical Medicine. Lots of goodies. All things found
here are also available by ftp or gopher on sunsite. See 6.1 above.

Howie Brounstein's homepage: http://www.teleport.com/~howieb/howie.html
Columbine and Wizardry Herbs. Lots of goodies. See 6.1 above.

Herbal Hall, Rob Bidleman: http://www.crl.com/~robbee/herbal.html
You can also get there by ftp: ftp://ftp.crl.com/users/ro/robbee/HERB.
It seems Rob doesn't have too much time to update things, so get Howie
Brounstein's and Michael Moore's stuff from their own homepages.

Henriette's Herbal Homepage: http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed/
Herblist and AFH archives, herbfaqs, pictures, and things. A Really Neat
Site (Tehehe. Who says you can't plug your homepage in a FAQ?)

Algy's herb page, picture version: http://www.pair.com/algy/herb.html
Algy's herb page, non-picture version: http://www.pair.com/algy/herb2.html
THE page with all the links you need. Constantly updated. Good stuff.


8 Mailing lists

I've tried to subscribe to OrMed, the Oriental Medicine Mailing List, but
was not successful. So, if anyone is actually ON that list drop me a note.
Else, it'll just be gone from this FAQ as I'll just conclude that that list
is now defunct.


8.1 The Herblist, the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants discussion list

A flammable list, with lots of knowledgeable herbalists on it.

To subscribe: write to listserv@trearnpc.ege.edu.tr with the following
SUBscribe HERB (your full name)

Be sure to read the Rules of the Game before posting there:

To post to the list: write an article and send it to:

Archives found on my www pages / in my ftp space:


8.2 The Aromatherapy list

To subscribe: write to listserv@idma.com with the following text:
subscribe aromatherapy-l
or, if you want it to another address than the one you're at when
subscribe aromatherapy-l other-address@your_site.your_net
To post to the list: write an article and send it to:


8.3 The Holistic list: Holistic Discussion Group

To subscribe: write to listserv@siucvmb.bitnet with the following text:
SUBscribe HOLISTIC (your full name)
To post an article: write an article and send it to:
If you only wish the digest you can add another line:


8.4 The Kombucha list

To subscribe: write to kombucha-request@relay1.shore.net with the following

(If this doesn't work try HELP to the same address.) (Thanks Priscilla, for
the update on the address)


8.5 The Paracelsus Mailing list

Subscription is limited to practitioners, educators, researchers and
students in alternative and conventional medical fields.

To subscribe: write to majordomo@teleport.com with the following text:
and, as part of the subscription approval process, send a biographical note
indicating training, practice and interests to


8.6 The Chinese Herblist - The Chinese Herb and Health Discussion Forum

It's quite dormant. Please start posting.

To subscribe: write to Majordomo@geog1.hkbu.edu.hk with the text:
SUBSCRIBE herb emailaddress
(like SUBSCRIBE herb joe@abc.edu)
To post to the list: write an article and send it to:

They also have a WWW page: http://www-geog.hkbu.edu.hk/health


8.7 The Homeopathy List

To subscribe: write to homeopathy-request@lyghtforce.com with the text:
join homeopathy
To post to the list: write an article and send it to:
The archives for this list and a FAQ on homeopathy are kept on


8.8 The Phytopharmacognosy List

They really don't want to be bogged down with questions like 'what do you
use garlic for', preferring to discuss plant chemicals. If you can't either
do that or lurk without disturbing them don't subscribe.

To subscribe: write to: Mailbase@Mailbase.ac.uk with the text:
JOIN Phytopharmacognosy first name(s) Last name
Subject: <none>

An introduction is mandatory and expected.

Here's a WWW page for this list: http://www.mdx.ac.uk/www/pharm/


8.9 The Culinary Herblist

This is the list for the gardening and use of culinary herbs:
To subscribe: write to: LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM with the text:
subscribe HERBS <your full name here>

Archives found on my www pages / in my ftp space:


8.10 Napronet

The purpose of NAPRONET is to provide a scientific forum to discuss
chemistry and biological activity of natural products.

To subscribe: write to: listproc@bilkent.edu.tr with the text:
SUBSCRIBE NAPRONET <your full name here>

It's a low-volume list.


8.11 The Altmed-res -list

Very low volume list, with no welcome message outlining the purpose of it,
so I guess some folks could just take it over, eh?

To subscribe: write to: Majordomo@virginia.EDU with the text:
subscribe altmed-res


8.12 The Back to Basics -list

An alternative medicinal herblist, formed because of the many flamewars on
the medicinal herblist (see 8.1 above).
If you can't take criticism subscribe to this one.

To subscribe: write to: listserv@drcoffsite.com with the text:
subscribe bk2basics <Your Name>

List moderator: GRMASHERB@aol.com.


8.13 The HerbMed -list

Another alternative medicinal herblist, also formed because of the many
flamewars on the medicinal herblist (see 8.1 above).
If you can't take criticism subscribe to this one.

To subscribe: send a blank message to: herbmed-request@zz.com

List moderator: carey@zz.com


9 Related newsgroups

You might want too check

   * misc.health.alternative
   * rec.gardens
   * rec.food.preserving
   * bionet.plants
   * sci.med.*
   * alt.support.cancer.prostate
   * alt.support.sinusitis
   * alt.support.prostate.prostatitis
   * alt.support.*
   * alt.aromatherapy (comes complete with the usual complaint: 'my site
     doesn't carry this one' - well mine doesn't so I can't say what they
     talk about over there)

Henriette Kress             HeK@hetta.pp.fi            Helsinki, Finland
http://sunsite.unc.edu/herbmed FTP: sunsite.unc.edu or sunsite.sut.ac.jp
Medicinal and Culinary herbFAQs, plant pictures, neat stuff, archives...