
All Natural product works wonders

All Natural Herbal Product Works Wonders 

All I know was that I was in pain and needed some relief so I started on 
these products and they worked wonders 

   A lot of americans today are turning to all natural herbal products 
or some may say alternative medicine 
why because these products for some unknown reason show relief but 
please note that relief varies with each individual and their individual 
case.  People all the time tell me that these products  work great for 
back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain , neck pain, and some even say its 
great for arthritis.  These people were looking for an alternative to 
help relieve the aches and pains so they started on these products and 
saw some results.  All I know is that I started out with back pain and 
was introduced to these amazing products and saw results my back pain 
was gone and I felt great.  We make no medical claims on these products 
and I am not stating that it will cure you but  I do know that if your 
in pain or have aches in certain areas of your body and you keep doing 
what you’ve been doing for the last year and its not working or showing 
relief its time for a change.  All I know is this product works wonders 
for me and I don’t know what is in this stuff but it works and I’m 
staying with it.  Don’t just take my word for it you be the judge order 
your package today.     

Skeletal Support - is a nutritional supplement designed for bones, 
joints, muscles, ligaments and teeth.  Skeletal Support balances calcium 
with magnesium, which is essential for the body’s utilization of 
calcium, and combines them with special Chinese herbs and complimentary 
enzymes to help support the body’s skeletal and muscular systems.

Structural Lubrication Formula - contains calcium-converting mineral 
compounds, powerful anti-oxidants and the most advanced nutrients to 
help support the body’s lubrication of joints, bones, muscles and 

These are all natural herbal mineral supplements.  Please note as with 
any all natural product we make no medical claims.  All I know is that 
it works for me and I have a lot of customers who say it works wonders 
for them.. My customers love the products  because they tried other 
products and didn’t see any real results and they ordered these products 
and saw results. 

*Please note these are all natural herbal products and may work 
differently for each individual.
 We make no medical claims 

To order your all natural relief package fill in the following
Yes !! I want to order these products
___ Skeletal Support                                                    

____ Structural Lubrication Formula                                     

____  Both Skeletal Support and Structural Lubrication Formula          
                                                  + 3.00 (S/H)

Order Today and as a free gift I will send you a complete catalog of all 
natural herbal products
             Make check or money order payable to :

Cooper Williams   (Independent Equinox Representative)
1500 East Starr #207
Nacogdoches, TX. 75961

	I send all orders in mail 
Don’t delay order today