
Re: Is there a downside to goldenseal?

This is why I'm against just anybody recommending herbs . . . the
herb gets recommended, but no one knows how much is too much (and this
is a VITAL point), negative side effects . . .

Do you know the person's medical history?  Any allergies to medicines?
Etc . . . 

The only real caution I recall at this moment is that it shouldn't be
used during pregnancy as it stimulates the uterus.  However, my thoughts
are cluttered and my mind is foggy, so there may be more I am forgetting.
As for how much is too much . . . oh, be aware that it can stimulate
production of bile.  If she has low blood pressure, this herb shouldn't
be taken without the care.  

Goldenseal root should not be taken over an extended period (stick 
with 1 week and then a break, and then if necessary she may return
to using the herb. I recommend your friend consult a a physician or 
trained herbalist rather than you.), not only because of the effect on 
blood pressure (which is much worse when cumulative), but also there 
can be problems with the digestive system.

Also, in high quantities, goldenseal can be toxic.  Goldenseal isn't
recommended taken alone, but rather as part of an herbal formula.
Smaller quantities are usually 1 capsule 2-3 times per day. (yes, I 
know most herbs are taken 2 capsules 3 times per day.)

That's all I can come up with at this moment.  Again, next time
you decide to recommend an herb, you might want to consider contacting
an herbalist or at least doing a huge amount of research first.
Irresponsible recommendations of herbs can cause alot of health


Roy Starrin (starrin@exis.net) wrote:
: At my suggestion a co-worker took glodenseal root capsules for a sinus 
: infection.  It worked like a charm.  However she now asks questions I 
: can't answer:  Are there negative side effects? How much is too much? Any 
: specifics would be appreciated?  