
Re: Morning sickness

Facilitec2 wrote:
> Does anyone know of herbal remedies for morning sickness?

I just fielded this one in misc.kids.pregnancy!  I have used peppermint 
tea and ginger with good success in pregnancy.  BE CAREFUL!!!  The body 
is more sensitive to outside substances during pregnancy!!  Use small (as 
in tiny, minescule, itsy-bitsy) amounts and watch like a hawk for 
reactions and TELL YOUR DOCTOR WHAT YOU ARE TAKING!!!!  (sorry for the 
shouting but I reeeally think this is important)  There is a book out 
called _The Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Years_  by Susan Weed. 
 But BE CAREFUL!!!  Many herbs are uterine contracters that can cause 
miscarriages.  'Nuff said...hope whoever is pregnant has a safe and happy 
