
Re: Feng Shui classes in Baltimore & Chicago

In article <4qr4ie$a5i@amberjack.netrunner.net>, Jami Lin
<earthdes@netrunner.net> wrote:

> Hi, my name is Jami Lin, FS practitioner, instructor and author of
> Earth Design the Added Dimension (which was just recognized by Lin
> Yun, FS master...he gave it a wonderful and apprreciated revivew)
> check out my web site: http://www.netrunner.net/~earthdes to learn
> more about my credibility and Earth Design....
> (Pro Lin Yun's review will be up in a week or so..)
> I am going to be in Baltimore: July 30th & Chicago: Aug 27th, both
> sponsored and asked to speak to interior design organizations. While
> in the area, I can schedule to teach either 2 hour mini classes, or a
> 10 hour intensives. 
> Anybody interested in setting up a Feng Shui seminar, I also was a
> featured speaker at the International FS conference.
> Thanks for your help and allowing me to share the wonderful gift of FS

Why Baltimore and CHicago? Don't you understand what that means in FS terms?
CHECK it out!!!
