
Re: Dead Doctors tape review

In article <4vfh6u$24jc@rohcs1.uhc.com>, rol@uhc.com says...
> Turf, you've read Hulda Clark.  She is absolutely
>paranoid about some of these heavy trace minerals in the human
>body--I see a huge disagreement between Clark and Wallach.

No disagreement.  You do not want to ingest the metallic
"distilled" forms of metals, but the minerals are useful.
It is the difference between the metal copper, which you
do not want in your body, and copper gluconate or other
absorbable form, which is 
essential.  Chromium is a nasty thing to have in your body,
unless it is picolinate or other digestible form.  Same 
with nickel, magnesium, iron, vanadium, tin, thulium,..., 
and yes, even lead.
