
Re: Other Permies?

Dear Friends;
	I am sending you the on-line version of the Institute for 
Bioregional Studies 1995 catalogue. We have put together an exciting 
and valuable program with the support of well known bioregionalists 
across Canada and the United States. Please forward this message to 
colleagues and students who may wish to participate. 

Permaculture Design Course: 
A two-week intensive in sustainable systems design

at Shades of Harmony Farm, Kingston, Nova Scotia

July 2-16, 1995 

   Through lecture, discussion, 
observation and hands-on experiential learning, students 
will develop the practical skills and knowledge to design and 
implement sustainable systems that are in harmony with the 
natural world.
   The term, permaculture, was patented by, Bill Mollison in 
the early 1970's to describe a system of permanent habitations. 
With roots in agricultural systems it has evolved into a program
for designing ecological communities and restoring urban centers.
It is about self-reliance, growing food, and building creative, 
beautiful, energy-efficient structures from local materials.

Permaculture Instructors: 
Michael Pilarski, 
editor of, Restoration Forestry, and founder 
of Friends of the Trees, has been 
teaching permaculture world- wide since 1981.  

Garry Lean, 
permaculture designer and professor of 
Integrated Resource Management at Sir Sandford Fleming
College, Lindsay, Ontario.

David Jacke, 
sustainable and ecologically sound landscape 
designer and land use planner with Native Harvest Designs. 

Plus: Guest Speakers involved 
in sustainable agricultural, 
renewable energy, ecological 
planning and green economics.

Course graduates will be certified as Permaculture 
Design Trainees. After two years experience, application 
may be made for 'Applied Permaculture Design' diplomas. 
Graduates are entitled to use the term "Permaculture" 
in the pursuit of livelihood, and educational uses.

Permaculture Course Topics:
*Permaculture methodlogy
*Permaculture principles
*Ethic of permaculture
*Observation Skills
*Bioregional planning & mapping
*Local self-reliance
*Site analysis
*Tree crops
*Medicinal herbs
*Organic Agriculture
*Agroforestry systems
*Edibile landscaping
*Keyline system
*Land Trusts & Communities
*Erosion Control
*Soil microbiology
*Sustainable Forestry
*Ecosystem restoration
*Livestock and wildlife
*Urban permaculture
*Appropriate energy
*Working in the South
*Formal & Informal Economies
*Straw-bale construction
	   and much, much more.......

For more information on 
the Permaculture Course 
curriculum contact the  
Institute for Bioregional 
Studies or any of the course 

Institute for Bioregional Studies, 
449 University Ave., Suite 126, 
Charlottetown, Prince Edward 
Island, Canada C1A 8K3.   
(902) 892-9578

Michael Pilarski c/o Friends of 
the Trees Society
PO Box 1064 
Tonasket, Washington 98855
Phone/Fax: (509) 485-2705

Garry Lean
RR 2
Cameron, Ontario KOM 1GO
Phone: (705) 887-5230

David Jacke
152 Cottage Street
Great Barrington, Mass. 01230
Phone: (413) 528-5677

Summer Programs on Ecological Planning:

Restoration Ecology: 
Reconstructing Sustainable 
Communities (July 20-24).
	Restoration Ecology, defines the quality and quantity of 
resources needed to attain self-reliance, social justice, and an 
improved quality of life in order to sustain a region's human and 
native populations. 
Guest lecturers include:
Dr. William Rees, 
Dean, Community and Rural Planing, University of British Colombia. 
Bill, uses the term, "Our Ecological Footprint" for a system used 
to estimate the sustainability of our lifestyles.

Dr. Doug Aberely, 
editor, Futures by Design: The Practice of Ecological 
Planning. Doug, will explain new techniques that empower local 
communities to develop their own environmental plans.

Dr. Ray Cote, 
Dean, School of Environmental Planning, Dalhousie University. 
Ray, has developed a system for designing industrial 
parks as closed ecosystems, recycling and reusing wastes.  

Coming Home:
Awakening Community 
Resourcefulness(July 28-30)
	Out of the turbulence and momentum of the "mean and lean 
'90's" is emerging a new set of personal, instiutional and global 
standards pointing the way toward a more workable humane economy.

Guest Lecturers include:
Dr. Wayne Roberts, 
co-chair Coalition for a Green Economic Recovery, author of 
_Get a Life: Canada's Green Cure for Economic Blues_. 
Wayne, will offer many viable solutions to personal and 
regional economic problems, that are in harmony with the bioregional 

Carla Conrod, 
Co-ordinator, Regional Atlantic Trading Note Association (RATNA). 
RATNA has over 200 members in the Halifax area who 
believe that the global economy will soon break up into dozens of 
small, vibrant-bioregional economies. They have begun printing and 
circulating their own currency!

Hands-on, Homemade Power and Energy Conservation  
(July 31-Aug 3)
	Learn the latest 'State of the Art' techniques for conserving 
energy and recycling wastes around your home or business.
	Workshops will focus on the cultural, societal and 
philosophical implications of resource efficiency. Topics will 
include: solar home design, straw-bale building construction, 
composting toilets, grey water treatment, composting, energy 
conservation and appropriate technologies.

Guest Lecturers include: 
Scott Chaplin and Maureen Cureton, 
co-workers of Amory and Hunter Lovins at the  Rocky Mountain 
Institute, Snowmass, Colorado. Their experience includes work 
with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance as well as work in 
the resource industries of Nicaragua, the United States and 

Spirit of the Region: 
Celebrating Nature, Culture, 
and Community (August 4-6) 
The bioregional solution to the environmental crisis means that 
we can turn the emerging chaos into opportunity. Come celebrate 
with some of the most popular visionaries who are showing us 
how it can be done.

Guests include:
Kirkpatrick Sale, 
Board of 
Director, Schumacher Society, author of _Dwellers of the Land: 
The Bioregional Vision_ 

Judith and Christopher Plant, 
editors, New Society Publishers, New Catalyst Education Foundation; 

John Joe Sark, Captain Miq-Mak Grand Council. 

Plus regional musicians and entertainers.

Some precepts basic to both permaculture  and  bioregionalism:

*Basis in ecology.
*Basing unique culture on indigenous materials
*High degree of local self-sufficiency.
*Observation/awareness of boundaries of plant and animal 
*Preservation and restoration of native plant communities.
*Worker-owned, enterprises with non-exploitative relationships.
*Decentralized, participatory, democratic governance.
*Recognizing inter-relationships between elements in the system 
  and maximizing symbiotic relationships.

Objectives of IBS
    It is the objective of IBS to train participants to become 
effective catalysts in the regeneration of the planet. 
	The "Bioregional" perspective means that our focus is 
on the design and evolution of healthy, interdependent and 
economically self-reliant communities.  
	To achieve this objective IBS creates a forum for improved 
communications; permitting socially conscious individuals to 
interact in a student centered, non-authoritarian environment.
	Today we can not just, "Think Globally and Act Locally". We 
need to, "Develop Local Solutions to Global Problems". We therefore 
have founded IBS to demonstrate the recent, ecologically oriented, 
scientific, social and tecnological achievements that 
are relevant to achieving the goal of an ecological society.

Course Site and 

	Our residential programs are held on our 40 acre farm, 
Shades of Harmony, surrounded by woodland on the North Mountain 
in Kingston, Nova Scotia. The North Mountian runs along the 
beautiful coast of the Bay of Fundy and the vibrant, small 
farming communities in the Annapolis Valley. Our facilities 
include a library, lecture hall, organic gardens, a freestanding 
greenhouse and an attached solar greenhouse, plus a kitchen and 
dining hall located in the farmhouse. Classes will be held 
on the farm and/or at the Community Hall down the road. 

	Participants are encouraged to establish a group camping 
site which will create the ambience for an intimate educational 
community. Housing can also be provided at a neighboring Youth 
Hostel or billets by special arrangement. 
	A registered campground is also located nearby for anyone 
with a trailer to hook-up.

Children are welcome on-site
    Parents who require childcare services can make arrangements 
in the community but should contact us prior to registering.

*Please* No pets.

Summer Program Tuition   and   Fees

Permaculture Design 
Course Tuition: 
    Tuition for the course is $750 to $675 self-set sliding scale. 
This includes instruction, meals, curriculum materials, campsite 
and use of facilities. A $100.00 dollar deposit (non-refundable) is 
required with registration. The remainder is due on or before 
July 2, 1995. Single day attendence is possible at $60.00 
per day. Participants will be sent an information packet upon 
	Course will be limited to 35 participants.

Restoration Ecology: 
Reconstructing Sustainable Communities 
(July 20-24) 
$300.00 +(optional meals)

Coming Home:Awakening Community Resourcefulness
(July 28-30)
$180.00 +(optional meals)

Hands-on, Homemade Power and Energy Conservation  
(July 31-Aug 3)
$240.00 +(optional meals)

Spirit of the Region: Celebrating Nature, Culture, 
and Community (August 4-6)
$180.00 + (optional meals)

All 4 weeks (July 2-August 6) 
$1500.00 (includes meals during 
permaculture course)

Meal Option:
	Three tasty meals, featuring organically grown food 
will be served each day. 
	The fees for the permaculture course  include meals. 
(Because of the intensity of the schedule there will not 
be enough breaks to prepare your own meals.)
	For other courses, the meal program is optional at 
$10.00 per day. If you choose to cook your own meals you must 
supply an approved camp stove. No open campfires are allowed.

	Participants who do not wish to camp out can make special 
arrangement to billet nearby @ $20.00 per night. Local motels 
are also available.

Course fees for USA Residents
Permaculture Design Course:
Cdn. $650.00 before May 1. 
$750.00 after May 1. At current rates 
of exchange this is less than US$450.00 
before May 1 and $525.00 after. An 
excellent value for a course of this quality.

Registration Form





____ I will campout.
____ I wish to billet @ $20/night
____ Please send me a listing of campgrounds and motels.
____ Enclosed is my non-refundable deposit of $100.00.
____ Enclosed is my entire tuition plus 7% GST*.
Make payment by certified bank cheque or money order payable to:
Institute for Bioregional Studies.
____ You may release my name and phone number to other course 
	participants for carpooling purposes.
____ I can offer a ride.
____ I need a ride.
Special dietary requests: 

*  Residents from outside of Canada will receive a full refund of the GST from     
Revenue Canada when they leave Canada.
Phil Ferraro, Director
Institute for Bioregional Studies		Developing Local Solutions
449 University Avenue				to Global Problems.
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
Canada  C1A 8K3
(902) 892-9578