
Re: Permaculturists (fwd)

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>From: cyronwode@aol.com (Cyronwode)
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture
Subject: Re: Permaculturists
Date: 16 Jan 1995 13:03:43 -0500

>I just joined sanet-mg and would like to know if there are any permaculture
>practitioners, enthusiasts, or even just tire kickers who would like to
>talk about what's going on in there regions.

>Steve D.

Hello -- i'm a permie tire-kicker. You gonna take Mollison and Pittman's
Permaculture Design Course at Fossile Rim (Glen Rose, Texas) this spring?
It's a 2-week deal, all meals and accomodaytions included. call (817)
897-2960 or fax (817) 897-3785.

There will also be a 2nd 2-week PDC at La Tierra, in Sebastopol,
Califnornia, also taught by Mollison and Pittman, in May. For info on that
one, call (707) 829-8348. I intend to attend that one if i can.

catherine yronwode
forestville, california
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