
Re: CCall to Support Farmers' Rights

In article <2vro1p$fr9@bigblue.oit.unc.edu> you write:

 > Are you folks in SUST_AG in FidoNet reading this conference?
 > I'd like to know if we're all connected since gating was set up.
 > Could someone followup to this post & let me know? Ed, Cissy, John,
 > Bruce, Jeff, folks in Oz?
 > Thanks

   Hi we would appreciate any support we can get in this area as there is a 
big push here to pass legislation for the control of plant variety 
 Vic Guest
P.s. I cant help with Fido, but I saw the Gate or group on a friends 
Fidonet  mailer.

 > Lawrence
 > Internet: london@sunSITE.unc.edu
 > Moderator: SUST_AG
 > FidoNet: 1:151/502
Victor Guest   V.G.Guest                      Perth, Western Australia
vic.guest@EEPO.org.au                         3 McKee Plce Kingsley. 6206
                ----: Sustainable Agriculture :----   Tel. (09) 3092108
      ----: The Land Management Society & Permaculture :----