
Re: Permaculture FAQ project

Thanks to Larry London and others who responded by private
email in response to my Permaculture FAQ project post. 

There seems to be good support for this FAQ.  Based on a 
lot of questions I got, there obviously is a need for more
permaculture concepts, practices, and resources on the
Internet too.  

Larry London responded with:

> alt.sustainable.agriculture - just post the faq to permaculture-mg
> via unix mail in a cron event and it will appear in a.s.a courtesy of the 
> mail-news gateway set up at UNC.
> If the format of the faq meets the standard set by the news.answers
> newsgroup then it could be periodically posted to that group and be 
> archived at rtfm.mit.edu.
If you can point me to where these standards are available,
or shoot them to me, we'll try to follow them.
> Do you want us to e-mail you documents for possible inclusion 
> in the faq? You might want to peruse the permaculture ftp/gopher
> area on sunSITE.

Yes, if you have documents or comments on permaculture, you
can shoot them to me via email, or post them on
permaculture-mg.  I am primarily thinking of files or resources 
folks have in their own collection that have not been posted before.

I have access to Sunsite so there's no need to duplicate these;
likewise with other common gopher sites.  Just tell me the 
location for existing stuff already loaded on the net.

Thanks again!

Steve Diver
West Fork of the White River