
Permaculture Events in Canada (fwd)

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>From: hwaldock@cyberstore.ca (greenbase)
Newsgroups: bionet.agroforestry
Subject: Permaculture Events in Canada
Date: 15 Feb 1995 20:32:21 GMT
Organization: greenpeace
Lines: 105


February 18th, "Seedy Saturday", at VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver     
                info.: 266-7194
February 18th, Potluck  5:30 pm after Seedy Saturday @ SPEC call Siobhan Ryan   
                873-4335 Topic of discussion: Frugal Lifestyles
Feb. 19th       "Permaculture Garden" at S.P.E.C. in Vancouver info.: Siobhan  
                Ryan 873-4335 
March 10-12     "Introduction to Permaculture" at University College of the    
                Caribou in Kamloops, Contact: Donna Mason, 825-5000
March 25, 26    "Synergistic Agriculture" with Emilia Hazelip, Slocan Valley,  
                inf.: Greg Lamoureux 226-7302                
April 22, 23    "Introduction to Permaculture" at the "Festival of Awareness"  
                in Naramata (Okanagan) Contact: Jan Stickney 492-0522
May 5-8         "Hands On Permaculture" at the Centre for Health Awareness in  
                Christina Lake, Contact: Kalia Lesley 447-6503
May 26-28       "Introduction to Permaculture" at C.R.E.D.A. in McBride, B.C., 
                Contact: Pete Amyoony 569-3379
In Calgary and Montreal date to be confirmed.

"PERMACULTURE is a design system for creating sustainable human environments."
Bill Mollison
Grgoire Lamoureux has founded the Kootenay Permaculture Institute, a centre
for research and education in sustainable ways of living. The Institute offers
an apprenticeship program in which people come and learn about Permaculture,
by direct experience and by doing research on their own. One educational
project involves establishing an agroforestry system, or "forest garden", that
can produce an abundance of food in a very short period of time and in a small
amount of space, using a minimum of energy (by recycling local resources)
while integrating trees in the system. The Institute also keeps in touch with
an international network of people working with various approaches to
sustainable ways of living.

Gregoire Lamoureux, Director
Box 43
Winlaw, British Columbia
Canada V0G 2J0
Phone: (604) 226-7302


Permaculture Design
Courses & workshops
Seeds and plants search
Apprenticeship Program
Books & Information
Nursery Plants & Seeds


Mollison, Bill, Permaculture A Designers' Manual, 1988, Tagari Publications,
Australia, 580 pp. Hardcover. 
Mollison, Bill and Slay, Reny Mia, Introduction to Permaculture, 1991, Tagari
Publications, Australia. 198 pp. soft. 
Mollison, Bill, The Permaculture Book of Ferment and Human Nutrition, 1993,
Tagari Publications, Australia. 288pp. soft. 
Bell, Graham, The Permaculture Way, 1992, Thorsons, HarperCollins Publishers,
London, UK. 240 pp. soft. 
Watkins, David, Urban Permaculture, A Practical Handbook for Sustainable
Living. 1993, Permanent Publications, England. 152 pp. soft. 
February 18th, "Seedy Saturday", at VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver     
                info.: 266-7194
Feb. 19th       "Permaculture Garden" at S.P.E.C. in Vancouver info.: Siobhan  
                Ryan 873-4335 
March 10-12     "Introduction to Permaculture" at University College of the    
                Caribou in Kamloops, Contact: Donna Mason, 825-5000
March 25, 26    "Synergistic Agriculture" with Emilia Hazelip, Slocan Valley,  
                inf.: Greg Lamoureux 226-7302                
April 22, 23    "Introduction to Permaculture" at the "Festival of Awareness"  
                in Naramata (Okanagan) Contact: Jan Stickney 492-0522
May 5-8         "Hands On Permaculture" at the Centre for Health Awareness in  
                Christina Lake, Contact: Kalia Lesley 447-6503
May 26-28       "Introduction to Permaculture" at C.R.E.D.A. in McBride, B.C., 
                Contact: Pete Amyoony 569-3379
In Calgary and Montral date to be confirmed.


#2, S.18, C.9, Nelson, B.C. V1L 5P5, (604) 354-4417
STEWARDS OF IRREPLACEABLE LAND (SOIL)  Kindwood Farm 499 Millstream Lake Road,
RR #6, Victoria, B.C. V8X 3X2, (604) 478-4403
TRAVELER EARTH REPAIR NETWORK (TERN)  Friends of the Trees Society, PO Box
1064, Tonasket, WA 98855. Tel/Fax (509) 485-2705

HERITAGE SEED PROGRAM (HSP) RR #3, Uxbridge, Ontario, L0C 1K0
SEED SAVERS EXCHANGE (SSE) 3076 North Winn Road, Decorah, Iowa 52101

Posted By Harold Waldock : hwaldock@alternatives.com 604 430 8080
Green Culture BBS: Permaculture, Alternative Energy, organic agriculture & more
Alternatives BBS: 604 430 8080
Greenpeace, Farm Folk City Folk, Many Health Groups & more.

Voice 604 434 3299

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