
Permaculture Course Announcement

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Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 00:50:02 -0800
>From: Sunwater <vitaltec@nbn.com>
To: london@sunSITE.unc.edu
Subject: Permaculture Course Announcement
La Tierra Community Presents

Permaculture Design & Certification Course
with Bill Mollison & Scott Pittman 

May  20th - June 3rd
About The Course:
yIn making the transition toward a sustainable society it is imperative 
that we 
take resposibility for our own lives and meet our basic needs for food, 
shelter, energy, gainful employment and supportive community. The purpose of 
this course is to offer you practical training in Permaculture design 
practices so you can understand the application of theses methods and skills 
to the benefit of your home property as well as the local community. The couse 
is structured to give you an intensive overview of permaculture design 
methodololgy. There will be time spent both in the classroom and in the field 
with hands on experience. Certification-upon completion of the course, you 
will be certified as Permaculture Design Trainees, and entitled to use the 
term "Permaculture" in pursuit of a livelihood and for educational purposes.

Course Topics Include: (but are not limited to)
Permaculture Philosophy and Ethics
Permaculture Principals and Design Methodology	
Principals of Natural Systems
Reading the Landscape/Site Analysis	
Water in the Landscape
Soil Building, Erosion Control	 
Village Design & Gardening Techniques
Building Design, Shelters and Energy Conservation
Pond Design
Orchard Management
Plant Guilds
Pest Management

Who Should Take This Course?
Homeowners, backyard gardeners, educators, landscapers, farmers, architects, 
bioregionalists, city planners, foresters, reclamation specialists, 
ecologists, neghborhood organizers-- in short anyone interested in sustainable 
living practices. (Permaculture applies to any scale of propery, from urban 
dwellers with a patio to farmers with large acreage)
The Certification course is essential (in fact required) for anyone who 
desires to be a Permaculture instructor, Permaculture design consultant, or 
use the name Permaculture in their work. 

Bill Mollison, author and founder of Permaculture, has given hundreds of 
lectures and design courses to over 10,000 people worldwide. Bill was the 
recipient of the 1981 Right Livelihood Award in Stockholm, led a a four part 
1991 ABC series called the Global Gardener and was named the Outstanding 
Australian Achiever in 1993.

Scott Pittman , international lecturer, permaculture consultant and one of the 
leading teachers of permaculture in the United States, was founder and 
director of Permaculture Drylands Institute. He has been teaching for 10 years 
and co-teaching with Bill Mollison for the last 5 years. He is recipient of 
the Permaculture Community Service award for "his outstanding contributution 
in raising community awareness on ecological issues through his design, 
teaching and writing."  

(Permanent Agriculture) is the conscious design and maintenance of cultivated 
ecosystems which have the diversity, stability and resilience of natural 
ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of la of landscape, people and 
appropriate technologies, providing food, shelter, energy and other needs in a 
sustainable way. Permaculture is a philosophy and an approach to land use 
which works with nature's rhythms and patterns, weaving together the elements 
of microclimate, annual and perennial plants, animals, water and soil 
management, and human needs into intricately connected and productive 

Upon completion of this Design Course you will be certified as Permaculture 
Designer Trainees and after two years of experience will be eligible for a 
Diploma of Aplplied Permaculture Design awarded at an international 
Permaculture Convergence. You will also be entiltled to use the term 
"Permaculture" in pursuit of livelihood and for educational purposes.

Course Location
La Tierra Community, is an intentional co-housing community on 15 beautiful 
acres with organic orchards, gardens, wetlands, and a year round creek near 
Sebastopol, CA. (one hour north of San Francisco). La Tierra is also a 
Non-Profit educational organization that has recently become a Permaculture 
training site which will be offering various courses and discussion groups on 
Permaculture, and other related topics in the future. 

Cost:   $750  for the complete two week course, all meals, camping or tent 
dormatory included. $800 after May 1, 1195.            
There is also an early payment discount for full prepayment before March 1, 
Cost: $700

For Information Call: (707) 829-8191

Pre-Registration is Required: Please send a $200 deposit ($50 non refundable) 
to reserve a place by April 20th
Make Check Payable to: La Tierra 

Send to: La Tierra Community, 708 gravenstein Hwy. N #120, Sebastopol, CA 
Upon receipt of your deposit all participants will be sent a course 
information packet, which will include directions to the course location, what 
to bring, suggested reading and other pertinent information.

Registration Form:  Permaculture Design & Certification Course



State:                    Zipcode:

Home Phone:
Work Phone:                                                                   
$200 Deposit postmarked by April 20th (balance due of $550 May 1, or	$750 
Registration fee postmarked by May 1, or
$700 Early Payment registration fee postmarked by March 1.
$800 Payment after May 1.          

Make checks payable to La Tierra
Food Preference:            Vegetarian               Other              
Special Needs (attach note) 

Send to: La Tierra Community, 708 gravenstein Hwy. N #120, Sebastopol, CA