

    Reference: Your note of 20/05/95 11:41                                     
Please explain "Ley Farming"                                                   
Mike D. Smith, Canberra, Australia.                                            
My hat collection:                                                             
Treasurer, Australian Centre for Environmentally Sustainable Systems - ACESS.  
President, Permaculture ACT (Australian Capital Territiry, Canberra) - PACT.   
Publisher, The Mulch, Monthly Journal of Permaculture ACT.                     
Co-ordinating Editor, Net Permaculture Journal (NPJ) - UNDER CONSTRUCTION.     
E-mail Administrator, Health Insurance Commission, Australian Fed. Gov't.      
You can contact me on:                                                         
   Internet..........auhicmds@ibmmail.com (INDIVIDUAL COMMUNICATION ONLY)      
                     auhice4c@ibmmail.com (FOR DISCUSSION LIST SUBS ONLY)      
   X.400.............g=mike; s=smith; p=ausgovhic; a=ibmx400; c=au             
   Snail Mail........Unit 10 / No 12 Blackett Cres, GREENWAY  ACT  2900, AUST  
   Pager (24Hr)......+ 61 6 269 0425                                           
   Voice (Work)......+ 61 6 203 6040 (sometimes goes through to pager)         
   Voice (Home)......+ 61 6 296 2050                                           
'If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem' - Mollison    