
E-mail conference network for ecological agriculture

An e-mail network for ecological agriculture has been established.

This mailbase list is intended for academics, researchers, educationalists
and others working in the field of ecological (organic/biological)
agriculture, to provide a forum for discussion of ideas, identification of
potential collaborators, and exchange of news, conference information and
publications details.

The mailbase can be accessed via e-mail, via the UK Mailbase Gopher, via the
WWW at: http://www.mailbase.ac.uk or via Telnet at: lynx.mailbase.ac.uk
(When prompted for a login simply reply with:  lynx)

To join the list, send a message to:


with the following message only:

join ecol-agric firstname lastname

thus I would write:

join ecol-agric Nic Lampkin

Then if you wish to send a message to the all of the members of the list
you send it to:


When you join, you will receive from mailbase a user-guide with further details.

You are encouraged to foward this message to as many contacts as possible,
but please note that the mailbase administrators are concerned about the
high load on the Atlantic link to North America, so this list should be
restricted to those with a serious interest in ecological (organic)
agriculture.  It is not intended to compete with or replace existing
sustainable agriculture newsgroups.  (It may be worth exploring
cross-linkages between these networks, by registering the mailing address
for other networks on individual lists.)

Nic Lampkin
Welsh Institute of Rural Studies
Stapledon Building, Penglais Campus
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
GB-Dyfed SY23 3DD.
Tel: +44 (0)1970 622248
Fax: +44 (0)1970 622238