
Permaculture Contacts Requested

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           Healthy Soil, Healthy Food, Healthy People

                       Rodale Institute
            611 Siegfriedale Rd., Kutztown, PA 19530
            Tel: (610) 683-1400  Fax: (610) 683-8548

Contacts Requested
Upcoming Edition: Permaculture

The Rodale Institute is a non-profit organization involved in research and
education in the field of  organic agriculture based on regenerative
principles.  The Rodale Institute Global Programs is in the process of
re-vamping its Ag-Sieve publication.  Like previous issues, the new
publications will focus on current topics in regenerative agriculture and
soil health.  It will be in a factsheet-type format and a great deal of
emphasis will be placed on providing our readers with contact information
relevant to the particular topic of each issue.

If anyone - including individuals, organizations, universities, etc. - in
the field of regenerative agriculture or soil health would like to be
listed as a contact in a future Ag-Sieve publication, please respond to the
email address below.  We are now compiling a contact list for the
Permaculture issue.  Those organizations and individuals with expertise in
this field should contact us as soon as possible if interested in being
listed as a contact in this edition.  International organizations are
strongly encouraged to apply.

In addition,the Rodale Institute is interested in learning of other
people's experiences with Permaculture.  Please feel free to send us
information on your permaculture farm and/or any related experiences you
have had with Permaculture.

Include the name of your organization, the address, and phone/fax/email
information.  Some type of general information about your organization,
such as a brochure or recent newsletter, that could be sent to us would
also be very useful for us to keep on file.  Please be sure to indicate
your area of expertise.

All information can be sent to:

William Landesman
Rodale Institute Research Center
611 Siegfriedale Road
Kutztown, PA 19530

phone: (610)683-1458
fax:       (610)683-8548
email:  r6831459@postoffice.ptd.net

Thank you for your time.

William Landesman
Rodale Institute