
Re: How to subscribe

To subscribe to the Permaculture Mailing list send email to 
almanac@ces.ncsu.edu with the following text in the body of your message:

subscribe permaculture-mg

 > From almanac-request@amani.ces.ncsu.edu  Fri Sep  1 00:44:32 1995
 > To: permaculture-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
 > Subject: How to subscribe
 > Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 07:07:12 PDT
 > From: Jennifer Peltier <peltier@ISI.EDU>
 > Is this a mailing list for permaculture?  If so, I would appreciate
 > someone sending the subscription address.  Also, if this is a mailing
 > list, please excuse this post to the entire list.  I just came across
 > the address in an e-mail I received and am interested in permaculture.
 > Thank you,
 > Jennifer
 > Email: peltier@isi.edu