
International Communities Semester (fwd)

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From: danimoni@well.sf.ca.us (Daniel Greenberg)
Newsgroups: alt.community.intentional
Subject: International Communities Semester
Date: 14 Sep 1995 03:23:23 GMT
Organization: The Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link, Sausalito, CA
Lines: 73
Summary: Geocommons College International Communities Semester, Spr. 1996
Keywords: Community Intentional Travel International Communities

             A Journey into Ecology, Community, and Spirit

                            A project of the
 Gaia Education Outreach Institute and the University of New Hampshire

APPLY BY: September 30th for SPRING, 1996 (January through May) Program

JOURNEY with 8-12 students to exemplary communities in Europe & India
  working towards sustainability.
WORK side by side with community members in schools, farms, kitchens,
  and in reforestation/alternative technology projects.
EXPLORE sense of place, cross-cultural and world development issues,
  ecological literacy, and community dynamics.
PRACTICE mindful, sustainable living in a daily balance of studies,
  work, recreation, reflection, and community.
GAIN skills & inspiration for creating sustainable career directions,
  life-long courses of learning, & an ecological identity, joining self,
  society, and nature in an enduring, harmonious "commons of the Earth."

Communities visited include:

THE FINDHORN FOUNDATION, Scotland:  2-week program in sustainable
  community living.  Findhorn has 30 years of educational experience in
  nature, ecological design, human development, and spirit.

PLUM VILLAGE, France: 10 days of meditation retreat in a small inter-
  national community under the guidance of Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese
  Zen teacher, poet, environmentalist, and peace activist.

MITRANIKETAN, India: 3 weeks participating in a training/demonstration
  center for village empowerment and exploring the state of Kerala's
  contrasting sustainable elements and environmental devastation.

AUROVILLE, India: 4-5 weeks of studies, cross-cultural explorations,
  and service work in an intentional community of 1,000 people from 33
  nations, founded in 1968, whose goal is "to realize human unity."

DERBYSHIRE FARM, New Hampshire:  2 weeks orientation and 3 concluding
  weeks of synthesis, portfolio completion, public presentations, field
  trips, evaluation, and closing celebration.

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GEOCOMMONS COLLEGE  was initiated in  1991  by Gaia  Education  Outreach
  Institute, a non-profit organization promoting life-centered education
  from an  ecological  world-view.   It is  based on  Derbyshire Farm, a
  beautiful hill farm and wilderness site in southern NH and future site
  of an educational eco-village that  Geocommons students are helping to
  design.   Geocommons College also serves as a design and demonstration
  field laboratory for the  University  of  New  Hampshire Environmental
  Conservation minor in Sustainable Living.

COURSEWORK & CREDIT:  One umbrella course, World Study for a Sustainable
  Society (EC 686),  will cover 3 subjects:  Elements of Sustainability,
  Community Building,  and  World Perspectives  on  Sustainability.  UNH
  students register for 12 credits and non-UNH  students for 11 (or more
  through their own schools).

TOTAL COSTS:  $8,400 includes tuition, travel, room, and board.  Current
  financial aid usually applies.  Some scholarships are available.

FOR MORE INFO, check out: http://www.well.com/user/cmty/GEO/ or contact

                   Gaia Education Outreach Institute
                   Derbyshire Farm, Temple,  NH 03084
                       phone/fax: (603) 654-6705
                          email: geo@igc.org
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