
Internet By E-mail

    Reference: Note from HELP DESK - National Email Help Desk (EMHELP - HICNET)
               attached below
I have seen a lot of comments lately from people saying they don't have
Web access and that they only have E-mail.  I used to be one of these people

Below is a reference to a really good guide to accessing every internet
service (including the WWW) using only Internet E-mail.


Mike D. Smith, Canberra, Australia.
       PermaNet--->  HTTP://sunsite.unc.edu/london/permaculture.html
President, Permaculture ACT (Australian Capital Territory, Canberra) - PACT
Board, Australian Centre for Environentally Sustainable Systems      - ACESS
Chief Editor, The Mulch, Journal of Permaculture ACT                 - MULCH
E-mail Administrator, Health Insurance Commission, Aust. Fed. Gov.   - HIC

X.400.............g=mike; s=smith; p=ausgovhic; a=ibmx400; c=au
PACT Address......PO Box 886, Civic Square  ACT  2608, Australia
Home Address......10 / 12 Blackett Cres, Greenway  ACT  2900, Australia
HIC Address.......PO Box 1001, Tuggeranong  ACT  2900, Australia
ACESS Address.....49 Wentworth Avenue, Kingston  ACT  2604, Australia
Phone (work)......+ 61 6 203 6040
Fax (work)........+ 61 6 203 6186
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" - Mollison
-------------------------------- ATTACHED NOTE --------------------------------

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Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 15:12:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bob Rankin <bobrankin@mhv.net>
To: Mike Smith P00297 - HICNET <auhicmds@ibmmail.com>
Subject: Re: FAQ on Internet Access by E-mail

I am pleased to announce availability of the newly revised and expanded:

                 "Accessing The Internet By E-Mail"

           Doctor Bob's Guide to Offline Internet Access
                       4th Edition - June 1995

This special report will show you how to retrieve files from FTP sites,
explore the Internet via Gopher, search for information with Archie,
Veronica, or WAIS, tap into the World-Wide Web, and even access Usenet

There's lots of new info resulting from my continued research and
comments from readers all around the world.  Find out the new addresses
for WWWmail & WAISmail servers, browse the expanded Net Goodies section,
and make sure you read about Netfind and WWW searching by e-mail.

"Accessing" is also available in Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German,
Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, and
Spanish with Chinese, Croatian, Farsi, Hungarian, Japanese, Persian,
Serbian, Swedish, and Ukranian translations coming soon!  (For the latest
status send e-mail to bobrankin@MHV.net with Subject: send list)

This document is now available from several automated mail servers.  To
get the latest edition, send e-mail to one of the addresses below.

To: listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu (for US/Canada/etc.)
Enter only this line in the BODY of the note:

To: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk (for UK/Europe/etc.)
Enter only this line in the BODY of the note:
  send lis-iis e-access-inet.txt

To: mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu (Worldwide)
Enter only this line in the BODY of the note:
  send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email

You can also get the file by anonymous FTP at one of these sites:

Site: ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu
Site: rtfm.mit.edu
   get pub/usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email
Site: mailbase.ac.uk
   get pub/lists/lis-iis/files/e-access-inet.txt

"Doctor Bob" Rankin
On Tue, 15 Aug 1995, Mike Smith P00297 - HICNET wrote:

> Would you be so kind as to forward me a copy of your FAQ on Internet Access
> E-mail or provide instructions on how I might obtain a copy.
> Regards
> Mike D. Smith, Canberra, Australia.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> My hat collection:
> Treasurer, Australian Centre for Environmentally Sustainable Systems - ACESS.
> President, Permaculture ACT (Australian Capital Territiry, Canberra) - PACT.

> Publisher, The Mulch, Journal of Permaculture ACT                    - MULCH.
> Co-ordinating Editor, Net Permaculture News (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)     - NPN.
> E-mail Administrator, Health Insurance Commission, Aust. Fed. Gov.   - HIC
> You can contact me on:
>    Internet..........auhicmds@ibmmail.com (INDIVIDUAL COMMUNICATION ONLY)
>                      auhice4c@ibmmail.com (FOR DISCUSSION LIST SUBS ONLY)
>    X.400.............g=mike; s=smith; p=ausgovhic; a=ibmx400; c=au
>    Home Address......Unit 10 / No 12 Blackett Cres, Greenway  ACT  2900, AUST
>    PACT Address......PO Box 886, Civic Square   ACT  2608, AUST
>    HIC Address.......PO Box 1001, Tuggeranong  ACT  2900, AUST
>    ACESS Address.....49 Wentworth Ave, Kingston  ACT  2604, AUST
>    Pager (24Hr)......+ 61 6 269 0425
>    Voice (Home)......+ 61 6 296 2050
>    Voice (Work)......+ 61 6 203 6040 (sometimes goes through to pager)
>    Fax (Work)........+ 61 6 203 6186
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 'If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem' - Mollison
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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