
New Sustainable Ag Web Site & on-line book catalog


agAccess announces our new web site dedicated to sustainable agriculture
and on-line access to agricultural and horticultural books:


Check out our new titles, search for agricultural and horticultural books,
order on-line, or find what you need to know at our Agricultural WWW
Clearinghouse, a comprehensive listing of agricultural information
available on the Net.

Watch for upcoming additions like the 1st On-line Organic Certifier's Database!

        |  agAccess            ::  Tel: 916-756-7177         |
        |  603 Fourth Street   ::  Fax: 916-756-7188         |
        |  Davis, CA 95616     ::  Email: agaccess@davis.com |
        |        WWW: http://www.mother.com/agaccess         |
        |  agAccess is dedicated to sustainable agriculture  |
        | through the worldwide publication and distribution |
        |       of high quality, practical information.      |