
N.O.M.C. Southeast Regional Meeting (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 20 Nov 95 10:42:00 -0800
From: Cissy Bowman <Cissy.Bowman@f710.n231.z1.fidonet.org>
To: sust_ag-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
Subject: Southeast Regional Meeting

 Registration:  FREE!                       Lawrence London,
The National Organic Marketing Cooperative Feasibility Study
Regional Meeting
as announced in the Organic Organizer
Sponsored by the: North Carolina Department of Agriculture
Raleigh, North Carolina,  December 6, 1995, 9:00 AM
Jim Graham Building, NC State Fairgrounds, Blue Ridge Rd.

The Raleigh Meeting is one of twelve to be held across the
nation in the months of November and December, 1995.  The purpose
is to bring together organic farmers, consumers, and supporting
public interest and environmental groups to discuss options for
more efficient marketing of organic products within a region and
beyond. In each region, the Farmers Meeting will allow the
Study's coordinators to gather input from organic farmers on the
barriers they face to efficiently marketing their crops at
reasonable prices. At the consumer meeting, a slide show will
provide a view of excellent examples of organic farm production,
handling practices and systems. Consumers strongly desire to know
how their food is produced and the impact of food and fiber
production on the environment and their health.  This is a
valuable opportunity to encourage dialogue between organic
farmers and consumers on a regional level.  We hope you will join
us in our cooperative attempt to learn from one another!

Schedule for the Event:

9:00AM-3:30PM  Organic Farmers Meeting:  How Can We Cooperate To
Enhance Organic Markets?
9:00AM-9:30 AM:  Arrival and registration.
9:30AM-9:45AM: Introductions.
9:45AM-10:45AM: Questions and discussion on the Feasibility
Study: goals and objectives, etc.
10:45AM-Noon: Commodity group discussions: identifying farmers'
needs, possible solutions and target prices.
Lunch: Noon-1:00PM
1:00PM-1:45PM:  Commodity group summaries and  assessments.
1:45PM-3:00PM: Cooperative Marketing Options for Organic Farmers,
discussion and presentations.
3:00PM-3:30PM: What can we do in our local region? What are the
next steps?

5:00PM-9:00PM:  Organic Farmers Greet Consumers--How Can We
Create A More Effective Partnership?
5:00-5:30PM:  Arrival and registration.
5:30PM-6:00PM: Introductions.
6:00PM-6:15PM: Keynote address:  Organics from the farmers point
of view.
6:15PM-6:30PM:  Slide Show: De-mystifying Organics: will prove an
overview on organic farm production practices and systems.
6:30PM-7:15PM:  Panel Speakers:  Harvey Harman, CSA Farmer, Alex
Hitt, Organic Farmer, Portia McKnight, Well Spring Supermarket,
John Troy, Processor, others to be named.
Topics of the panel:
1.) What is organic food? What does the label mean? The right to
know what is in our food. What are the standards and procedures
of the USDA's National Organic Program under OFPA (The Organic
Foods Production Act)?
2.) What is the real cost of organic food?
3.) Choices in purchasing organic farm product.  How  close a
partnership do you  want with your food and fiber provider?
CSA, Community Supported or Shared Agriculture; family farm
production versus Corporate farm production; organic in school
lunches; cooperative wholesale distributors; and retail stores.
7:15PM-8:15PM:  Questions and Discussions
8:15PM-9:00PM:  Creating an organic farmer/consumer regional
Alliance: What has been done by local consumer/farmer
organizations. How could we further assist each other? Where
might we go from here?

Organic Refreshments, graciously donated by our cosponsors, will
be served during the consumer portion of this meeting!  There is
no cost for this event.

The National Organic Marketing Cooperative Feasibility Study is
funded by a USDA Rural development Administration Grant

Lawrence F. London, Jr. - london@sunSITE.unc.edu 