
Permaculture Workshops, Central Texas (fwd)

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From: yount@csf.Colorado.EDU (Michael Yount)
Subject: Permaculture Workshops, Central Texas
Date: 25 Jan 1996 23:16:30 GMT
Organization: University of Colorado at Boulder
Summary: Cross Timbers workshop schedule
Keywords: sustainable building horticulture

Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute is hosting the following
series of courses and workshops during the first half of 1996.
Anyone interested should contact Inger Myhre and Kirby Fry
at "72530.1353@compuserve.com" or by phone at 817-897-9402.

  Scheduled Events at Cross Timbers
     * Light Clay and Timber Frame Construction
      with Robert Laporte
      February 28 to March 3.
     * Pumice Wick Blackwater Filtration Systems
       with Tom Watson
       March 29 to March 31.
     * Permaculture Design Course
       with Bill Mollison and Scott Pittman
       April 13 to April 26.
     * Advanced Design Course
       with Bill Mollison and Scott Pittman
       May 3 to May 5.
Please see Cross Timbers' home page at 
for more information



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