
Re: permaculture

Hi Emma, what a nice suprise, sombody I actually know on the end of a
mailing list. Most of the people on this list are from the States and Down
Under. I'm pretty sure there's nobody from Manchester Permaculture Society
on-line yet.

You can try phoning Lloyd Berriman on 0161 231 1780. He's a qualified (or is
it certified) permaculture designer. 

The British Permaculture Magazine is on the Web at:


See you soon, Rob.

>To the permaculture society,
>Please could you send me some brief details on the society and its activities
>in or around Manchester or how I can find out such information.
>I would like to find out more with a possibility of becoming involved at some
                         Rob Squires of CTCSystems 
                   --- Coaptation Towards Collectivism  ---    
                  Gill Ellison - Age Concern St.Helens
                    ++++ A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TO LIFE +++
                          Phone/Fax (01744) 612778 