
Eco-Cities Design Colloquia

Important Notice: Please forward to others.

Eco-Cities Design Colloquia: Designing Sustainable Communities
August 18-21 Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

The Challenge
    Cities are the most complex products of humankind. They 
have always been centres of human endeavor and artistic 
excellence. During the 20th century they have become global 
environmental parasites; processing food, fuel, energy and 
consuming resources well beyond their boundaries. In the 21st 
century, cities must function in very different ways or they 
will undermine their own survival and that of their 

Action Plans
    An outstanding group of facilitators will work with 
participants to develop a model eco-city along the 
Charlotetown waterfront; on lands the city is currently 
soliciting proposals for. 
The new plans will offer organizational approaches that budget 
our resources, conserve energy, utilize renewable energy 
technologies, build long lasting structures, develop efficient 
public transportation, reduce and recycle wastes and supply 
staple foods locally.
Presentation and Workshop Topics:
* Contemporary Perceptions of Eco-Planning

* Identifying Issues and Establishing Planning Goals

* Inventory and Analysis of the Physical Environment

* Precepts of Eco-Design

* Neo-Traditional Design/New Urbanism

* Permaculture Design and Bioregional Planning

* Urban forestry, and Urban Agricultural Systems

* Appropriate Technologies (food, energy, shelter)

* Eco-Planning for Wildlife and for Humans 

* Strategies for Regenerative Design

* Guiding Principles for Regional Planning

* Waste as a Resource

* Economic Policy and Transition

* Applying Ecosystem Planning Concepts

* Case Studies

Who Should Come
Architects, Builders, Landscape Architects, Landscapers, 
Planners, Artists, Farmers, Engineers, Technicians, Urban 
Activists, Permaculture Designers,and Citizens of Urban 
Neighborhoods whose interest is to renew cities so that they 
continue to be places where people come together to celebrate 
the creativity of urban life.

Site and Facilities
Simply known as "the Island" to Canadians, Prince Edward 
Island is a safe, enjoyable destination for vacationers of all 
ages. Charlottetown is the provincial capital and the 
"Birthplace of Confederation". It offers hundreds of 
attractions and activities to suit all tastes.

Participants will stay in 'co-housing' apartments on 
the University of Prince Edward Island campus. 

Breakfast and snack foods will be provided in each apartment. 
Evening meals can be prepared in the apartments or participants 
can dine out. Stores, restaurants and entertainment venues are 
within walking distance.

Workshops will be a short walk or bike ride down the newly 
completed Confederation Trail, which runs through the centre of 
the city, to the waterfront.

List of Invited Speakers to Date:

Dr. Doug Aberely, editor, Futures by Design: The Practice 
of Ecological Planning and Boundaries of Home: Mapping for 
Local Empowerment.

Dr. David Bell, Dean, Faculty of Environmental Studies, 
York University

Dr. Janis Birkeland, Co-Director, Centre for Environmental 
Philosophy, Planning & Design, Univ. of Canberra, Australia

Monique Cote, Architect, Permaculture Designer

Dr. Ray Cote, Director, School of Environmental Planning, 
Dalhousie University. Ray, has developed a system for 
designing industrial parks as closed ecosystems, recycling and 
reusing wastes.

David Daughton, Former coordinator of the 
Atlantic Peoples Housing Coop and National Chairperson 
of the Canadian Environmental Network.Certified co-op 
housing federation. Chair of the Health Information 
Resource Centre.

Dr. Dan Earle, Professor of Landscape Architecture, 
Lousiana State University, Permaculture Designer

Phil Ferraro, Director, IBS, Conference Coordinator 
and Permaculture Designer.

Ole Hammarlund, Architect

Mike Kohler, Architect and Town Planner

Karen Lipps, Landscape Architect

Malcolm Lodge, Engineer, Professional Engineer, Wind Energy 
Technology ExpertPresident, Island Technologies Inc, "Wind 
Energy and Electrical Engineers"Charlottetown, P,E.I. Founder 
of the Atlantic Wind Test Site, Canada'sNational Laboratory 
for wind energy research and development at North Cape, P.E.I.

John Massengale, AIA is an architect, town planner and writer. 
He is co-author, with Robert A.M. Stern, of *New York 1900, 
Metropolitan Architecture & Urbanism, 1890-1914* and *The 
Anglo-American Suburb*, and is writing *The End of Architecture, 
The End of Sprawl* with a grant from the Graham Foundation for 
Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts. Mr. Massengale was Town 
Architect of Seaside, Florida in 1986, and 
is a member of the Congress for the New Urbanism.

Ernie Morello, Charlottetown Area Development Corporation

Don Poole, City Planner, Charlotetown, PEI

Dr. William Rees, Dean, Community and Rural Planing, 
UBC. Bill, coined the  term, "Our Ecological Footprint" for a 
system used to estimate  our sustainability .

Mark Roseland, National Round Table on the Environment 
and the Economy. Author of, Toward Sustainable Communities: 
a Resource Book for Municipal and Local Governments,

David Slabotsky, President, Atlantic Resource Conversion Co-op
Parks Manager, Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

Dr. John Todd, Co-founder of the New Alchemy Institute and 
President of Ocean Arks International. A pioneer in the use of 
ecosystems as a form of technology-Living Macines-for the 
treatment of wastes, purifying water and food production. Co-
authored: "Reinhabiting Cities and Towns: Designing for 
Sustainability", "The Village as Social Ecology", "From Eco-
Cities to Living Machines" and numerous other works on 
sustainable living.

Nancy Jack Todd, Co-founder of the New Alchemy Institute and 
editor of 'Annals of the Earth'. Co-winner of the Swiss 
Threshold Award, Friends of United Nations Environment 
Programme Award and the Chrysler Award for Innovation in 
Design. Currently working on a book about women and ecology.

and others.

Getting From There to Here
Travelers can fly into the Charlottetown Airport. Guaranteed 
lowest fares can be arranged by MacQueen's Travel agency. 
Ph.:1(800) 969-2822, 
fax: (902) 894-4547,  email: biketour@peinet.pe.ca
By car, take the ferry from either Pictou, Nova Scotia or Cape 
Tormentine, New Brunswick. 
To get to Spry Point, head east to Rt. 310 and Little Pond, 
PEI. Turn at the sign for the Ark Inn. (Approximately. one 
hour. east of Charlottetown.)
Accomodations for the Eco-Cities conference are at the 
University of Prince Edward Island. Participants will stay in 
Blanchard Hall; located on the corner of University Avenue and 
Belvidere Road, Charlottetown.

Summer Program Fees

Permaculture Design Course (PDC): (August 4-17) $765.
Course fees for USA Residents: At current rates of exchange 
this is less than U.S.$550.00. (Please pay in Canadian 

Eco-Cities Colloquia (August 18-21)

Affordable Housing / Straw-bale Workshop (August 23-25) $150.00

PDC plus Eco-Cities Colloquia $1175.00.

PDC, Eco-Cities Colloquia plus Housing Workshop $1250.00

Special arrangements can be made for childcare. Please call IBS 
prior to registering.

Some Other Reasons for Coming to Prince Edward Island

PEI is known for Its beauty, friendly people and relaxed 
lifestyle. It is also a magical blend of sand, clay and sea 
bursting with festivals, events & exciting family 
attractions.There are major events occuring before, during and 
after the IBS programs. Come early! Stay late! And play on our 
island! For more information call Tourism PEI at: 1-800-4PEI

For more information on this program or the Permacultutre 
Design Course and Housing Workshop Scheduled by IBS, reply to 
this message or send $2 for a print copy of our brochure.

Phil Ferraro, Director
Institute for Bioregional Studies
449 University Avenue Suite 126            "Developing Local Solutions to 
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island	    Global Problems"
Canada   C1A 8K3
(902) 892-9578