
Permaculture Design Course , Spry Point Ark, P.E.I., August 4-17, 1996

: Venaura Farm - Organic Market Vegetable Gardens - CSA
: Organic Gardening/Urban-Rural Permaculture Information Resources
: http://www.interpath.net/~london -london@mercury.interpath.net
: http://sunsite.unc.edu/london - london@sunsite.unc.edu

                         Permaculture Design Course

August 4-17, 1996
(at the Spry Point Ark, formerly the New Alchemy Institute)
King's County, Prince Edward Island

Permaculture is about self-reliance, growing food, and building
energy-efficient structures. The PDC teaches the principles by which
sustainable systems become responsive to economic, social and environmental
elements. Graduates will be certified as 'Permaculture Designers' and will
be entitled to use the term in the pursuit of livelihood.


Through lecture, discussion, observation and hands-on learning,
participants will develop the practical skills and knowledge to design and
implement sustainable systems that are in harmony with the natural world.
With roots in the design of sustainable agricultural systems permaculture
has evolved into a program for designing ecological communities and
restoring urban centers. It is about self-reliance, growing food, and
building creative, beautiful, energy-efficient structures from local
Permaculture principles and design methodologies can be applied anywhere.
in the world.


Course Topics

   * Permaculture methodlogy
   * Ethics of permaculture
   * Observation Skills
   * Bioregional Mapping
   * Local Self-Reliance
   * Site Analysis
   * Medicinal Herb
   * Organic Agriculture
   * Agroforestry Systems
   * Edibile Landscaping
   * Keyline System
   * Land Trusts & Communities
   * Aquaculture
   * Greenhouses
   * Erosion Control
   * Soil Microbiology
   * Sustainable Forestry
   * Ecosystem Restoration
   * Livestock and Wildlife
   * Urban Permaculture
   * Appropriate Energy
   * Working in the South
   * Formal & Informal Economies

and much, much more...



Monica Kuhn, architect and co-founder of Rooftop Gardens Resource Group.
Frequent teacher of permaculture and urban greening issues.

Garry Lean, permaculture designer and professor of Integrated Resource
Management at Sir Sandford Fleming College.

Phil Ferraro, Director, Institute for Bioregional Studies, and Permaculture

Dr. Dan Earle, Professor Landscape Architecture; Louisiana State
University. Permaculture designer.

Dr. John Todd and Nancy Jack Todd, Co-founders of the New Alchemy Institute
and Ocean Arks International. Pioneers in biological technologies and
ecological planning.

Plus: Guest Speakers involved in sustainable agricultural, renewable
energy, ecological planning and green economics.



Course graduates will be certified as Permaculture Design Trainees.
Graduates are entitled to use the term "Permaculture" in the pursuit of
livelihood, and educational uses.



        The Ark, an early exploration in weaving together the sun,
           wind, biology and architecture on behalf of humanity.

Permaculture Course Site and Facilities

The Spry Point Ark was constructed on a 96 acre penninsula in eastern PEI,
by the New Alchemy Institute in the 1970's. Its original purpose was a
research centre for the science and practice of ecological technologies.
Today it is managed as a "three star" inn and restaurant by the local
community cooperative. The beautiful natural surroundings, panoramic views,
hiking trails, cliffs and sandy beaches make this an ideal setting for
visiting, learning and relaxing.
The PDC participants will develop a site plan for the entire penninsula and
evaluate its potential for creating an 'eco-village'. Classes will be held
in the barn. Morning and evening meals will be served in the restaurant
with a noon time meal served outdoors. A group camping site is being
established however participants can make separate arrangements to stay in
the inn. You can call the Ark Inn at 1 800 665-2400 or (902) 583-2400 to
reserve a room during the PDC.

Pets *Please* No pets.

Families are welcome on site for the additional cost of room and board
only. Contact IBS for prices.


Special arrangements can be made for childcare. Please call IBS prior to


Some precepts basic to both permaculture and bioregionalism

   * Basis in ecology;
   * Basing unique culture on indigenous materials;
   * High degree of local self-sufficiency;
   * Observation / awareness of boundaries of plant and animal communities;
   * Preservation and restoration of native plant communities;
   * Aesthetics;
   * Worker-owned, enterprises with non-exploitative relationships;
   * Decentralized, participatory, democratic governance;
   * Recognizing relationships between elements in the system and
     maximizing symbiotic relationships.



Getting From There to Here

Travelers can fly into the Charlottetown Airport.
Guaranteed lowest fares can be arranged by MacQueen's Travel agency.
Ph.:1(800) 969-2822, fax: (902) 894-4547
email: biketour@peinet.pe.ca

By car, take the ferry from either Pictou, Nova Scotia or Cape Tormentine,
New Brunswick.
To get to Spry Point, head east to Rt. 310 and Little Pond, PEI.
Turn at the sign for the Ark Inn. (Approximately one hour east of


Summer Program Fees

Permaculture Design Course: (August 4-17) $725.

Course fees for USA Residents: At current rates of exchange this is less
than U.S.$500.00 (Please pay in Canadian currency).

Eco-Cities Colloquia (August 18-21) $500.00.

Affordable Housing / Straw-bale Workshop (August 23-25) $125.00.

PDC plus Eco-Cities Colloquia $985.00.

PDC, Eco-Cities Colloquia plus Housing Workshop $1050.00.


  Institue for Bioregional Studies| Eco-citiesColloquia| Resources/Books|

Institute for Bioregional Studies:
Phil Ferraro; pferraro@cycor.ca
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