
RE: CD-ROM "A Designers Manual"

Both you and I seem to have the wrong end of the stick here 
- we need to find the person who is in charge of the CD rom dream.  

On another note - I am currently working on a big software package that will 
present permaculture designs and ideas.  Our package will be on CD rom and 
will be info-tainment rather than just listings.  It will be modular and get bigger as
resources permit.
For the last 2 years I have been writing a text for PDC it is about 400 pages with
data and in depth research on grey areas like toxins in the soil through 
to Care for People.

Some other people have spent time developing a data base - if I can 
recall their address I'll let the net know - I was disappointed because they
wanted a lot of money for it - like $800  -= one can''t hope to cover costs on
initial sales - you have to plan to cover costs by spreading it over a lot of 
sales I think - otherwise you kill the market.
