

Greetings everyone.  I'm forwarding this information to all of you because
I've been very impressed with Robert Theobald's ideas on transformation and
I figure that at least a some of the people on this list will really feel in
harmony with what he's saying on his web site.  Cheers!

>Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 16:05:19 -0700
>From: rtheobald@igc.apc.org (rtheobald)
>To: transform@igc.org
>X-Sender: rstilger@iea.com
>Sender: owner-transform@igc.apc.org
>Precedence: bulk
>X-UIDL: 65205e539fdd94e9de888d4ff600912d
>You are asked to forward this message to people and listserves who you
>think might want to visit a website being launched today June 18, 1996:
>Each year, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation invites an individual to
>give a series of 5 lectures over their radio network: these can be heard
>all over the country and also in parts of the Northern United States.
>Using the "RealAudio" feature of the website, the talks can be heard
>anywhere in the world.
>These talks have typically been somewhat intellectual and, recently, rather
>pessimistic about the future.  The presentations this year will be more
>pragmatic and will be at a level accessible to high-school students and all
>who care about a better future.
>The argument will recognize the massive dangers we confront but will
>propose ideas, actions and directions which can provide a higher quality of
>life.  People, groups and institutions are invited to form small
>conversational groups to discuss what can be done: geographical,
>professional and institutional communities are invited to organize a large
>number of these conversations.
>Robert Theobald, this year's Massey lecturer, has been working on
>fundamental change issues for four decades.  He believes that people are
>ready to challenge current views which claim that economics, technology and
>deficit-reduction should control political decision-making.  When asked to
>give the lectures, he decided to put as much effort into creating dialogue
>as in actually preparing the argument.
>The result has been an extraordinary outpouring of energy.  This is
>documented on the web-site as are the core ideas.   You are invited to join
>in a growing effort which will assist Canadians, and others, to find more
>creative and positive directions.
>Blessings and Peace
>509 Conti Street,
>New Orleans,
>La 70130
>Transformational Learning
>Community:  http://www.transform.org/transform/tlc/index.html
>Dynamic Learning Community:  http://www.transform.org/transform/dlc/index.html
>"Ideas are a dime a dozen.  How one moves them into the mainstream is the
>critical issue."
Christopher Fielden

With my mark I affirm my life to be a marvelous adventure, and so it is.