
IBS 95 (fwd)

Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 14:43:36 -0500
From: Prabhakar Bhogaraju <Pbhogar@vt.edu>
To: SUSTAG-L@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu
Cc: sanet-mg@ces.ncsu.edu
Subject: IBS 95

Hi there,

This is a message I got from the Institute for Bioregional Studies. Thought
it could be of interest to some of you.


>Date: Sun, 11 Dec 1994 11:37:02 -0400 (AST)
>From: "Inst. for Bioreg. Studies" <pferraro@bud.peinet.pe.ca>
>Subject: IBS 95
>To: "Bob.Cervelli" <cervelli@nsrfc5.nsrfc.ns.ca>,
>        "Bill.Rees" <William.E.Rees@mtsg.ubc.ca>,
>        Prabhakar Bhogaraju <pbhogar@vt.edu>,
>        David Bell <ESDVJBell@ORION.YORKU.CA>
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>Dear Friends;
>        I am sending you the on-line version of the Institute
>for Bioregional Studies 1995 catalogue.
>        IBS remains committed to teaching the skills that will
>enable people to re-create a caring and more sustainable culture.
>We have put together an exciting and valuable program with the
>support of well known bioregionalists across Canada and the
>United States.
>        Please forward this message to  colleagues and students
>who may wish to participate.
>Permaculture Design Course:
>A two-week intensive in sustainable systems design
>at Shades of Harmony Farm, Kingston, Nova Scotia
>July 2-16, 1995
>   Through lecture, discussion,
>observation and hands-on experiential learning, students
>will develop the practical skills and knowledge to design and
>implement sustainable systems that are in harmony with the
>natural world.
>   The term, permaculture, was patented by, Bill Mollison in
>the early 1970's to describe a system of permanent habitations.
>With roots in agricultural systems it has evolved into a program
>for designing ecological communities and restoring urban centers.
>It is about self-reliance, growing food, and building creative,
>beautiful, energy-efficient structures from local materials.
>Permaculture Instructors:
>Michael Pilarski,
>editor of, Restoration Forestry, and founder
>of Friends of the Trees, has been
>teaching permaculture world- wide since 1981.
>Garry Lean,
>permaculture designer and professor of
>Integrated Resource Management at Sir Sandford Fleming
>College, Lindsay, Ontario.
>David Jacke,
>sustainable and ecologically sound landscape
>designer and land use planner with Native Harvest Designs.
>Plus: Guest Speakers involved
>in sustainable agricultural,
>renewable energy, ecological
>planning and green economics.
>Course graduates will be certified as Permaculture
>Design Trainees. After two years experience, application
>may be made for 'Applied Permaculture Design' diplomas.
>Graduates are entitled to use the term "Permaculture"
>in the pursuit of livelihood, and educational uses.
>Permaculture Course Topics:
>*Permaculture methodlogy
>*Permaculture principles
>*Ethic of permaculture
>*Observation Skills
>*Bioregional planning & mapping
>*Local self-reliance
>*Site analysis
>*Tree crops
>*Medicinal herbs
>*Organic Agriculture
>*Agroforestry systems
>*Edibile landscaping
>*Keyline system
>*Land Trusts & Communities
>*Erosion Control
>*Soil microbiology
>*Sustainable Forestry
>*Ecosystem restoration
>*Livestock and wildlife
>*Urban permaculture
>*Appropriate energy
>*Working in the South
>*Formal & Informal Economies
>*Straw-bale construction
>           and much, much more.......
>For more information on
>the Permaculture Course
>curriculum contact the
>Institute for Bioregional
>Studies or any of the course
>Institute for Bioregional Studies,
>449 University Ave., Suite 126,
>Charlottetown, Prince Edward
>Island, Canada C1A 8K3.
>(902) 892-9578
>Michael Pilarski c/o Friends of
>the Trees Society
>PO Box 1064
>Tonasket, Washington 98855
>Phone/Fax: (509) 485-2705
>Garry Lean
>RR 2
>Cameron, Ontario KOM 1GO
>Phone: (705) 887-5230
>David Jacke
>152 Cottage Street
>Great Barrington, Mass. 01230
>Phone: (413) 528-5677
>Summer Programs on Ecological Planning:
>Restoration Ecology:
>Reconstructing Sustainable
>Communities (July 20-24).
>        Restoration Ecology, defines the quality and quantity of
>resources needed to attain self-reliance, social justice, and an
>improved quality of life in order to sustain a region's human and
>native populations.
>Guest lecturers include:
>Dr. William Rees,
>Dean, Community and Rural Planing, University of British Colombia.
>Bill, uses the term, "Our Ecological Footprint" for a system used
>to estimate the sustainability of our lifestyles.
>Dr. Doug Aberely,
>editor, Futures by Design: The Practice of Ecological
>Planning. Doug, will explain new techniques that empower local
>communities to develop their own environmental plans.
>Dr. Ray Cote,
>Dean, School of Environmental Planning, Dalhousie University.
>Ray, has developed a system for designing industrial
>parks as closed ecosystems, recycling and reusing wastes.
>Coming Home:
>Awakening Community
>Resourcefulness(July 28-30)
>        Out of the turbulence and momentum of the "mean and lean
>'90's" is emerging a new set of personal, instiutional and global
>standards pointing the way toward a more workable humane economy.
>Guest Lecturers include:
>Dr. Wayne Roberts,
>co-chair Coalition for a Green Economic Recovery, author of
>_Get a Life: Canada's Green Cure for Economic Blues_.
>Wayne, will offer many viable solutions to personal and
>regional economic problems, that are in harmony with the bioregional
>Carla Conrad,
>Co-ordinator, Regional Atlantic Trading Note Association (RATNA).
>RATNA has over 5000 members in the Halifax area who
>believe that the global economy will soon break up into dozens of
>small, vibrant-bioregional economies. They have begun printing and
>circulating their own currency!
>Hands-on, Homemade Power
>and Energy Conservation
>(July 31-Aug 3)
>        Learn the latest 'State of the Art' techniques for conserving
>energy and recycling wastes around your home or business.
>        Workshops will focus on the cultural, societal and
>philosophical implications of resource efficiency. Topics will
>include: solar home design, straw-bale building construction,
>composting toilets, grey water treatment, composting, energy
>conservation and appropriate technologies.
>Guest Lecturers include:
>Scott Chaplin and Maureen Cureton,
>co-workers of Amory and Hunter Lovins at the  Rocky Mountain
>Institute, Snowmass, Colorado. Their experience includes work
>with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance as well as work in
>the resource industries of Nicaragua, the United States and
>Spirit of the Region:
>Celebrating Nature, Culture,
>and Community (August 4-6)
>The bioregional solution to the environmental crisis means that
>we can turn the emerging chaos into opportunity. Come celebrate
>with some of the most popular visionaries who are showing us
>how it can be done.
>Guests include:
>Kirkpatrick Sale,
>Board of
>Director, Schumaker Society, author of _Dwellers of the Land:
>The Bioregional Vision_
>Judith and Christopher Plant,
>editors, New Society Publishers, New Catalyst Education Foundation;
>John Joe Sark, Captain Miq-Mak Grand Council.
>Plus regional musicians and entertainers.
>Some precepts basic to both permaculture  and  bioregionalism:
>*Basis in ecology.
>*Basing unique culture on indigenous materials
>*High degree of local self-sufficiency.
>*Observation/awareness of boundaries of plant and animal
>  communities.
>*Preservation and restoration of native plant communities.
>*Worker-owned, enterprises with non-exploitative relationships.
>*Decentralized, participatory, democratic governance.
>*Recognizing inter-relationships between elements in the system
>  and maximizing symbiotic relationships.
>Objectives of IBS
>    It is the objective of IBS to train participants to become
>effective catalysts in the regeneration of the planet.
>        The "Bioregional" perspective means that our focus is
>on the design and evolution of healthy, interdependent and
>economically self-reliant communities.
>        To achieve this objective IBS creates a forum for improved
>communications; permitting socially conscious individuals to
>interact in a student centered, non-authoritarian environment.
>        Today we can not just, "Think Globally and Act Locally". We
>need to, "Develop Local Solutions to Global Problems". We therefore
>have founded IBS to demonstrate the recent, ecologically oriented,
>scientific, social and tecnological achievements that
>are relevant to achieving the goal of an ecological society.
>Course Site and
>        Our residential programs are held on our 40 acre farm,
>Shades of Harmony, surrounded by woodland on the North Mountain
>in Kingston, Nova Scotia. The North Mountian runs along the
>beautiful coast of the Bay of Fundy and the vibrant, small
>farming communities in the Annapolis Valley. Our facilities
>include a library, lecture hall, organic gardens, a freestanding
>greenhouse and an attached solar greenhouse, plus a kitchen and
>dining hall located in the farmhouse. Classes will be held
>on the farm and/or at the Community Hall down the road.
>        Participants are encouraged to establish a group camping
>site which will create the ambience for an intimate educational
>community. Housing can also be provided at a neighboring Youth
>Hostel or billets by special arrangement.
>        A registered campground is also located nearby for anyone
>with a trailer to hook-up.
>Children are welcome on-site
>    Parents who require childcare services can make arrangements
>in the community but should contact us prior to registering.
>*Please* No pets.
>Summer Program Tuition   and   Fees
>Permaculture Design
>Course Tuition:
>    Tuition for the course is $750 to $675 self-set sliding scale.
>This includes instruction, meals, curriculum materials, campsite
>and use of facilities. A $100.00 dollar deposit (non-refundable) is
>required with registration. The remainder is due on or before
>July 2, 1995. Single day attendence is possible at $60.00
>per day. Participants will be sent an information packet upon
>        Course will be limited to 35 participants.
>Restoration Ecology:
>Sustainable Communities
>(July 20-24)
>$300.00 +(optional meals)
>Coming Home:
>Awakening Community
>Resourcefulness(July 28-30)
>$180.00 +(optional meals)
>Hands-on, Homemade Power
>and Energy Conservation
>(July 31-Aug 3)
>$240.00 +(optional meals)
>Spirit of the Region:
>Celebrating Nature, Culture,
>and Community (August 4-6)
>$180.00 + (optional meals)
>4 weeks (July 2-August 6)
>$1500.00 (includes meals during
>permaculture course only)
>Meal Option:
>        Three tasty meals, featuring organically grown food
>will be served each day.
>        The fees for the permaculture course  include meals.
>(Because of the intensity of the schedule there will not
>be enough breaks to prepare your own meals.)
>        For other courses the meal program is optional at
>$10.00 per day. If you choose to cook your own meals you must
>supply an approved camp stove.
>        Participants who do not wish to camp out can make special
>arrangement to billet nearby @ $20.00 per night. Local motels
>are also available.
>Course fees for USA Residents
>Permaculture Design Course:
>Cdn. $650.00 before May 1.
>$750.00 after May 1. At current rates
>of exchange this is less than US$450.00
>before May 1 and $525.00 after. An
>excellent value for a course of this quality.
>Registration Form
>____ I will campout.
>____ I wish to billet @ $20/night
>____ Please send me a listing of campgrounds and motels.
>____ Enclosed is my non-refundable deposit of $100.00.
>____Enclosed is my entire tuition.
>Make payment by certified bank cheque or money order payable to:
>Institute for Bioregional Studies.
>____ You may release my name and phone number to other course
>        participants for carpooling purposes.
>____ I can offer a ride.
>____ I need a ride.
>Special dietary requests:
>Phil Ferraro, Director
>Institute for Bioregional Studies
>449 University Avenue Suite 126            "Developing Local Solutions to
>Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island         Global Problems"
>Canada   C1A 8K3
>(902) 892-9578