
Re: Acacia seeds

c650796@SHOWME.MISSOURI.EDU (Thomas Payne) writes:

>        Could somebody out there suggest a good source for seeds of
>phyllode-bearing Acacia species such as A. auriculiformis or A. mangium?

A lot of Australian native plants are listed in the latest Kimseed catalogue

	Australian Revegetation Corp.
	42 Sarich Court
	Osborne Park WA 6017 

Phone +61 (0)9 446 4377		Fax +61 (0)9 446 3444

The latest copy I've received arrived in late June this year.  There are some
250 species of _Acacia_ listed.

Prices for _A. auriculiformis_ are 	AUD190.00/kg, AUD9.50 per 25 g
       for _A. mangium_ they are	AUD440.00/kg, AUD22.00 per 25 g

Cheers,  Ian S.


Ian Staples                        E-mail : ianst@dpi.qld.gov.au
c/- P.O. Box 1054 MAREEBA          Phone  : +61 (0)70 921 555 Home 924 847
Queensland Australia 4880            Fax  : +61 (0)70 923 593   "   "   "